

Exposure Start Delay 相机功能使您可以确定从检测到触发信号到实际开始曝光之间的时间。

曝光开始延时的长短取决于相机型号、及各种相机功能的设置,例如 Exposure ModeExposure Time 模式Sensor Bit Depth

要了解有关 Basler 相机上图像采集流程的更多信息(例如,计时和延时),请参见采集计时信息主题。


确定 Exposure Start Delay#

要确定当前设置下的曝光开始延时,请获取 ReadoutTimeAbs 参数的值。曝光开始延时以微秒为单位。


// Determine the exposure start delay at the current settings
double d = camera.BslExposureStartDelay.GetValue();
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Determine the exposure start delay at the current settings
double d = CFloatParameter(nodemap, "BslExposureStartDelay").GetValue();
// Determine the exposure start delay at the current settings
double d = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.BslExposureStartDelay].GetValue();
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
double d = 0;
/* Determine the exposure start delay at the current settings */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetFloatFeature(hdev, "BslExposureStartDelay", &d);
# Determine the exposure start delay at the current settings
d = camera.BslExposureStartDelay.Value

您也可以使用 pylon Viewer 轻松设置参数。