Deprecated List

Deprecated List
Global DEPRECATED (Fg_setExsync(Fg_Struct *Fg, int Flag, const unsigned int CamPort))
This function internally calls Fg_setParameter() with parameter FG_EXSYNCON and passes Flag as value. You should use that interface as this has slightly less overhead.
Global DEPRECATED (Fg_setFlash(Fg_Struct *Fg, int Flag, const unsigned int CamPort))
This function internally calls Fg_setParameter() with parameter FG_FLASHON and passes Flag as value. You should use that interface as this has slightly less overhead.
Global DEPRECATED (getLastErrorNumber())
This function is only here to maintain interface compatibility. It will only call Fg_getLastErrorNumber(NULL) internally. Do not use it as it will eventually go away.
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_CxpConnect(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, SgcCameraHandle *cameraHandle))
this function is replaced by Sgc_LinkConnect()
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_CxpDisconnect(SgcCameraHandle *cameraHandle))
this function is replaced by Sgc_LinkDisconnect()
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_DirectRegisterRead(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, const unsigned int port, const uint32_t address, uint32_t *data))
this function is replaced by Sgc_DirectRegisterRead64()
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_DirectRegisterWrite(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, const unsigned int port, const uint32_t address, const uint32_t data, const unsigned int switchByteOrder))
this function is replaced by Sgc_DirectRegisterWrite64()
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_DirectRegisterReadMem(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, const unsigned int port, const uint32_t address, unsigned char *data, uint32_t *buflen))
Use Sgc_DirectRegisterReadMem64
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_DirectRegisterWriteMem(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, const unsigned int port, const uint32_t address, const unsigned char *data, const uint32_t buflen))
this function is replaced by Sgc_DirectRegisterWriteMem64()
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_DirectRegisterReadMemWithTimeOut(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, const unsigned int port, const uint32_t address, unsigned char *data, uint32_t *buflen, uint32_t timeoutInMilliseconds))
this function is replaced by Sgc_DirectRegisterReadMemWithTimeOut64()
Global DEPRECATED (Sgc_DirectRegisterWriteMemWithTimeOut(SgcBoardHandle *boardHandle, const unsigned int port, const uint32_t address, const unsigned char *data, const uint32_t buflen, uint32_t timeoutInMilliseconds))
this function is replaced by Sgc_DirectRegisterWriteMemWithTimeOut64
Global IoOpenImage (const char *filename)
In new code you should use IoImageOpen() as this does the same operation but returns an error code if what went wrong.
Global IoOpenImageExt (const char *filename, unsigned char **data, int *width, int *height, int *bits)
In new code you should use IoImageOpen() and query the image settings by the appropiate functions.
old name for PN_MICROENABLE4AD1CL, maintained only for source compatibility
name for a prototype never used
old name for PN_MICROENABLE4VD1CL, maintained only for source compatibility
old name for PN_MICROENABLE4VD4CL, maintained only for source compatibility
old name for PN_MICROENABLE4VQ4GE, maintained only for source compatibility
old name for PN_MICROENABLE5_ABACUS_4G_PROTOTYPE, maintained only for source compatibility
old name for PN_MICROENABLE5AQ8CXP6B, maintained only for source compatibility
old name for PN_MICROENABLE5VD8CL, maintained only for source compatibility
old name for PN_MICROENABLE5VQ8CXP6B, maintained only for source compatibility