How to: Convert a pylon GrabResult Into a MVTec HALCON HImage#
If you want to use pylon for image acquisition and MVTec Halcon for further image processing, you must convert the pylon GrabResult into a Halcon HImage.
The following code snippets show the general set up for Halcon and image creation for the following pixel formats: Mono8, BGR / RGB, and also Bayer pixel formats (by using the pylon CImageFormatConverter class).
The code below shows how to set up a HALCON HWindow for displaying a HALCON HImage.
/* Create an instant camera object with the first camera device found */
CInstantCamera camera(CTlFactory::GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice());
/* Get the camera nodes to Width and Height */
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
CIntegerPtr Width = nodemap.GetNode("Width");
CIntegerPtr Height = nodemap.GetNode("Height");
/* Create HWindow for display */
HWindow window(16, 16, Width->GetValue(), Height->GetValue(), 0, "visible", "");
/* Destination image (except for MONO8) */
HImage image;
Here's the code if you want your image to be used for Mono8. For Mono8, we can directly use the HImage constructor.
if (ptrGrabResult->GetPixelType() == EPixelType::PixelType_Mono8)
HImage img("byte",
/* Show HImage in HWindow */
For BGR8packed (BGR, 24 bits per pixel), use this code:
else if (ptrGrabResult->GetPixelType() == EPixelType::PixelType_BGR8packed)
0, 0, -1, 0);
Don't mix up BGR and RGB, otherwise your colors will be wrong. If you're using BGR on your camera (EPixelType::PixelType_BGR8packed), you also need the "bgr" attribute for the HImage.
If you're using RGB on your camera (EPixelType::PixelType_RGB8packed), you also need the "rgb" attribute for the HImage.
So for RGB8packed (RGB, 24 bits per pixel), use this code:
else if (ptrGrabResult->GetPixelType() == EPixelType::PixelType_RGB8packed)
0, 0, -1, 0);
For Bayer pixel formats, use the pylon CImageFormatConverter class to convert the GrabResult into a BGR CPylonImage prior to creating the HImage:
CPylonImage pylonimage;
CImageFormatConverter fc;
fc.OutputPixelFormat = PixelType_BGR8packed;
/* Convert GrabResult to BGR image first */
fc.Convert(pylonimage, ptrGrabResult);
/* Now create the BGR HImage */
0, 0, -1, 0);
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