Franka Emika Pose Format

Franka Emika robots use a transformation matrix T to define a pose. A transformation matrix combines a rotation matrix R and a translation vector t=(\begin{array}{cccc}x & y & z\end{array})^T.

T = \left(\begin{array}{cccc}
  r_{00} & r_{01} & r_{02} & x\\
  r_{10} & r_{11} & r_{12} & y\\
  r_{20} & r_{21} & r_{22} & z\\
  0      &   0    &   0    & 1

The pose given by Franka Emika’s “Measure Pose” App consists of a translation x, y, z in millimeters and a rotation x, y, z in degrees. The rotation convention is z-y'-x'' (i.e. x-y-z) and is computed by r_z(z) r_y(y) r_x(x).

Conversion from transformation matrix to quaternion

The conversion from a rotation matrix (with det(R)=1) to a quaternion q=(\begin{array}{cccc}q_x & q_y & q_z & q_w \end{array}) can be done as follows:

q_x &= \text{sign}(r_{21}-r_{12}) \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\text{max}(0, 1 + r_{00} - r_{11} - r_{22})} \\
q_y &= \text{sign}(r_{02}-r_{20}) \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\text{max}(0, 1 - r_{00} + r_{11} - r_{22})} \\
q_z &= \text{sign}(r_{10}-r_{01}) \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\text{max}(0, 1 - r_{00} - r_{11} + r_{22})} \\
q_w &= \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\text{max}(0, 1 + r_{00} + r_{11} + r_{22})}

即: \text{sign} operator returns -1 if the argument is negative. Otherwise, 1 is returned. It is used to recover the sign for the square root. The \text{max} function ensures that the argument of the square root function is not negative, which can happen in practice due to round-off errors.

Conversion from Rotation-XYZ to quaternion

The conversion from the x, y, z angles in degrees to a quaternion q=(\begin{array}{cccc}q_x & q_y & q_z & q_w\end{array}) can be done by first converting all angles to radians

X_r = x \frac{\pi}{180} \text{,} \\
Y_r = y \frac{\pi}{180} \text{,} \\
Z_r = z \frac{\pi}{180} \text{,} \\

and then calculating the quaternion with

q_x = \cos{(Z_r/2)}\cos{(Y_r/2)}\sin{(X_r/2)} - \sin{(Z_r/2)}\sin{(Y_r/2)}\cos{(X_r/2)} \text{,} \\
q_y = \cos{(Z_r/2)}\sin{(Y_r/2)}\cos{(X_r/2)} + \sin{(Z_r/2)}\cos{(Y_r/2)}\sin{(X_r/2)} \text{,} \\
q_z = \sin{(Z_r/2)}\cos{(Y_r/2)}\cos{(X_r/2)} - \cos{(Z_r/2)}\sin{(Y_r/2)}\sin{(X_r/2)} \text{,} \\
q_w = \cos{(Z_r/2)}\cos{(Y_r/2)}\cos{(X_r/2)} + \sin{(Z_r/2)}\sin{(Y_r/2)}\sin{(X_r/2)} \text{.}

Conversion from quaternion and translation to transformation

The conversion from a quaternion q=(\begin{array}{cccc}q_x & q_y & q_z &
q_w\end{array}) and a translation vector t=(\begin{array}{cccc}x & y & z\end{array})^T to a transformation matrix T can be done as follows:

T = \left(\begin{array}{cccc}
  1 - 2s(q_y^2+q_z^2)  & 2s(q_x q_y-q_z q_w) & 2s(q_x q_z+q_y q_w) & x\\
  2s(q_x q_y+q_z q_w)    & 1 - 2s(q_x^2+q_z^2) & 2s(q_y q_z-q_x q_w) & y\\
  2s(q_x q_z-q_y q_w)    & 2s(q_y q_z+q_x q_w)   & 1 - 2s(q_x^2+q_y^2) & z\\
  0         &     0     &    0                    & 1

其中 s=||q||^{-2}=\frac{1}{q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2} and s=1 if q is a unit quaternion.

Conversion from quaternion to Rotation-XYZ

The conversion from a quaternion q=(\begin{array}{cccc}q_x & q_y & q_z &
q_w\end{array}) with ||q||=1 to the x, y, z angles in degrees can be done as follows.

x &= \text{atan}_2{(2(q_w q_z + q_x q_y), 1 - 2(q_y^2 + q_z^2))} \frac{180}{\pi}  \\
y &= \text{asin}{(2(q_w q_y - q_z q_x))} \frac{180}{\pi} \\
z &= \text{atan}_2{(2(q_w q_x + q_y q_z), 1 - 2(q_x^2 + q_y^2))} \frac{180}{\pi}

Pose representation in RaceCom messages and state machines

In RaceCom messages and in state machines a pose is usually defined as one-dimensional array of 16 float values, representing the transformation matrix in column-major order. The indices of the matrix entries below correspond to the array indices

T = \left(\begin{array}{cccc}
  a_0 & a_4 & a_8    & a_{12}\\
  a_1 & a_5 & a_9    & a_{13}\\
  a_2 & a_6 & a_{10} & a_{14}\\
  a_3 & a_7 & a_{11} & a_{15}