
Heat Sinks for Basler racer 2 L Cameras#

The heat sinks for Basler racer 2 L cameras provide an efficient way for heat dissipation during camera operation.

Heat Sinks for Basler racer 2 L Cameras Mounted on Cameras


Basler provides two different heat sinks suitable for racer 2 L cameras:

Fin Heat Sink#

Fin Heat Sink for Basler racer 2 L Cameras

  • Order number: 2200002180
  • The fin heat sink is delivered with four screws for attaching the heat sink to the camera.


Basler racer 2 L Heat Sink Dimensions


尺寸 See technical drawing above
材料 透明阳极化铝
热阻 1.5–0.7 K/W
螺钉 M3 × 10 mm, A2


保修 1 年

Compressed Air Heat Sink#

Compressed Air Heat Sink for Basler racer 2 L Cameras

  • Order number: 2200002181
  • The heat sink is delivered with a heat conducting mat and four screws for attaching the heat sink to the camera.


Basler racer 2 L Heat Sink Dimensions


尺寸 See technical drawing above
材料 透明阳极化铝
接口 2 pneumatic plug-in connections for compressed air hoses (Ø8 mm)
2 connection threads, G 1/8"
螺钉 M3 × 22 mm, A2


保修 1 年

For more information about your camera, installation, and providing heat dissipation, read the topic about your Basler racer 2 L camera model as well as the Hardware Installation and the Providing Heat Dissipation topics.