

您必须提供足够的散热以保持 Basler 的温度在指定范围内。


  • 将镜头安装在相机上。
  • 将相机安装在坚固的导热元件上。接触面应保持平整。如果表面不平整,在相机和接触表面之间贴上导热箔可能会有所帮助。
  • 为相机安装适当的散热元件。Basler 提供了合适的散热片,可以单独购买,也可以通过评估套件的形式与其他附件一起购买。
  • 让气流通过相机。
  • 为了确保良好的图像质量,Basler 建议不要在高温下操作相机。
  • 如果要检查相机温度,可以使用温度测量点直接在相机外壳上进行测量(请参阅下文)。
  • 部分相机提供 Device Temperature 功能。此功能使您可以通过 pylon API 监视设备的温度。
  • 请记住,更高的帧速率会增加功耗,从而导致更高的相机温度。
  • 只要您的相机具有 Camera Operation Mode 功能,如果可接受以较低的帧速率运行,请将工作模式设置为长时间曝光以降低温度。

ace 和 ace 2 相机#


对于采用 Sony IMX 和 onsemi PYTHON 传感器的相机,可以遵照以下应用说明操作:如何监测 Basler ace 相机的外壳温度


ace 和 ace 2 相机的外壳温度测量点

boost 相机#


boost V 相机#

boost V 相机外壳温度测量点

boost R 相机#

boost 相机外壳温度测量点

dart 相机#

dart Classic/R/E#

所有 dart 相机模块的主板四角都有四个孔,用于安装模块。您也可以利用这些开孔来散热:

  • 裸板机型:开孔处带有金属边框,用于将热量散发到所连接的金属元件。
  • S-mountCS-mount 机型:铆钉位于四个孔中。这些铆钉可用于向连接的金属部件散热。例如,您可以将相机正面或背面连接到安装板。

    dart 铆钉


dart M#

On all dart M camera modules, there are four holes lined with a copper layer and located at the corners of the board. These holes are designed for installing the module (and the mount).
The dart M Screw Kit for Mount Attachment can be used for mounting the camera module.

For dissipating heat, you have different possibilities, for example:

  • You can use the screws for mounting the dart M camera module onto a heat sink.
    As the dart M mounts are of a high-performance plastic with good thermal conductivity, the mounts can be used for heat dissipation.
  • You have the option to connect a heat sink directly onto the surface of the FPGA. To enhance heat dissipation even further, consider connecting the heat sink to a metal case or housing.

    FPGA on dart M

In all cases:

  • If you use a heat conducting mat, you can further improve the heat dissipation.
  • Make sure that the electrically conductive component for dissipating the heat, doesn't touch the electrical contacts on the board.


dart Classic/R#


Temperature Measurement Point dart Classic/R Bare Board Models

S 口和 CS 口型号#

Temperature Measurement Point dart Classic/R S-Mount and CS-Mount Models

dart E#


Temperature Measurement Point dart E Bare Board Models

S 口型号#

Temperature Measurement Point dart E S-Mount Models

dart M#

Temperature Measurement Point dart M Models