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Changes and Fixed Issues in VisualApplets 3.4.1#


Blob Library#

  • Before fixing this issue, irritations of the operators Blob_Analysis_1D and Blob_Analysis_2D have been observed. These irritations could get reproduced on different hardware platforms and were mainly related to invalid object features. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID 308514)

Blob_Analysis_1D Operator#

  • Before fixing this issue, VisualApplets crashed during line-by-line simulation of a design with the Blob_Analysis_1D operator when the blob label buffer defined by parameter label_bits wasn't large enough. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 298936)
  • Fixed simulation of operator Blob_Analysis_1D in line-by-line mode. Before, it could happen that, depending on the shape, blobs were broken up into several pieces. (Ticket ID 307378)

Hardware Platform Library#

DmaFromPC Operator#

  • Before fixing this issue, designs with the DmaFromPC operator couldn't be built. This has been fixed. Now, you can build designs with the DmaFromPC operator. (Ticket ID: 299084)

Memory Library#

FrameBufferRandomRead Operator on imaFlex CXP-12 Quad#

  • Before fixing this issue, when the maximum frame size exceeded the available memory, a general processing error prevented the user to open a design that contained the FrameBufferRandomRead operator on imaFlex CXP-12 Quad. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 303832)

ImageBufferMultiRoIDyn Operator#

  • The documentation of the ImageBufferMultiRoIDyn operator has been enhanced and the values for Max. Img Widthand Max. Img Height have been corrected in the documentation. (Ticket ID: 306276)

Synchronization Library#

  • Before fixing this issue, the Channel_ID parameter of the TxImageLink and RxImageLink operators could be set to -1, which is invalid and could cause undefined behavior. This has been fixed. Now, the Channel_ID parameter can't be set to a negative value anymore. (Ticket ID: 304345)
  • Before fixing this issue, the Channel_ID parameter always jumped to the maximum value when it was set to any value via a WriteAction of the IntParamTranslator operator. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 305585)

User Libraries#

ImageBufferMultiRoIDyn Operator in imaFlex_CXP12_Tools User Library#

  • Before fixing this issue, the simulation of a design with the ImageBufferMultiRoIDyn operator of the imaFlex_CXP12_Tools user library failed when the Max. Image Width parameter of the coordinate input links was small. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304068)
  • Before fixing this issue, the ImageBufferMultiRoIDyn operator cut out incorrect regions, if the region didn't fit the granularity given by the parallelism. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 303031)
  • The device resource index for RAM has been set to -1 so that a free RAM resource is automatically assigned when synthesizing the module. (Ticket ID: 295452)
  • Before fixing this issue, the library element could get into an invalid state after changing parameters of the input links. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304273)

ImageBufferMultiRoI Operator in imaFlex_CXP12_Tools User Library#

  • The device resource index for RAM has been set to -1 so that a free RAM resource is automatically assigned when synthesizing the module. (Ticket ID 295452)
  • Before fixing this issue, the library element could get into an invalid state after changing parameters of the input links. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304273)
  • Before fixing this issue, some designs with the user library element ImageBufferMultiRoI for imaFlex could result in images with smaller width than configured due to incorrect handling of ROI information. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 309701)

Enhanced Netlist Synthesis Engine for imaFlex Platforms#

  • If you build designs with long chains of operators that don't have register levels, VisualApplets automatically inserts pipeline registers. Before fixing this issue, VisualApplets crashed when you built such a design in Enhanced mode. This has been fixed. Now, VisualApplets doesn't crash anymore when you build such a design. (Ticket ID: 303808)
  • Before fixing this issue, in some operation modes of certain operators, the Enhanced synthesis mode for building imaFlex applets caused the optimization step of Vivado to fail with the message that unresolved black box instances have been found. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304130)
  • Before fixing this issue, switching between Default and Enhanced synthesis mode led to crashes of VisualApplets. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304269)


  • Before fixing this issue, if Vivado 2024.1 was installed, VisualApplets might have freezed while detecting the Vivado version information from Vivado.exe. This has been fixed. VisualApplets 3.4.1 has been tested to work best with Vivado 2023.2, so Basler doesn't recommend using a higher version of Vivado. (Ticket ID: 309714)
  • Before fixing this issue, it could happen that the undo action did jump to an earlier edit step than the most recent one. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 297854)
  • Before fixing this issue, for some imaFlex CXP-12 Quad frame grabber boards the configuration of GPIO extension boards failed. This has been fixed. Also, the firmware version of iF-CXP12-Q has been increased to 2.3.a (Ticket ID: 304897)
  • Before fixing this issue, sometimes when converting a design from a .va file format to a .vad file format, dummy elements were generated into the design. This led to errors. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 306809)
  • Before fixing this issue, when using backslashes in file path specifiers for operators which provide a path name parameter, it could happen that characters following the backslash were interpreted as escaped whitespace. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 306881)
  • Before fixing this issue, when working with the .vad design file format or .val library file format, dummy modules that were created when operators weren't available (e.g. after converting the design to a changed hardware platform) didn't preserve the parameters of the originating module. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304378)
  • Before fixing this issue, when the system setting Paths for simulation source images in the category Design was set to anything other than the default value Absolute, and simulation probes were using images which couldn't be addressed by a relative path, then it could happen that VisualApplets design files were saved incorrectly so they couldn't be opened anymore. This has been fixed. This VisualApplets version also implements an autocorrection algorithm with which damaged *.vad files can be opened again. (Ticket ID: 310245)

  1. Flashing the board anew isn't necessary, previous applets continue to work even after the firmware update.