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Changes and Fixed Issues in Framegrabber SDK 5.11.3#

This section provides information about changes and fixed issues for the Basler Framegrabber SDK version 5.11.3.


The Framegrabber SDK now supports Linux Ubuntu 20.04, and 22.04. Linux Ubuntu 18.04. isn't supported any longer. (Ticket ID: 273529)


  • Before fixing this issue, when saving a *.mcf or *.mfs configuration file in pylon, the files were empty. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 300801)
  • Before, all applet *.hap files contained information about all DMA processes. As a result, all *.hap files were included in every DMA. This has been improved. Now, the applet *.hap files include only the process relevant to the current GenTL device, filtering out all others. (Ticket ID: 303262)
  • Before, all applet *.hap files contained caches to registers that weren't included in the *.hap files. This has been improved: The caching has been removed from the *.hap files. (Ticket ID: 315763)
  • Before, if you had a *.hap file with more than 1 DMA acquisition channel per VisualApplets channel process, you didn't know which DMAs were in the process. This has been improved. Now, the process identifiers for device names contain a prefix with which you can identify the DMAs. (Ticket ID: 303265)
  • Before fixing this issue, the i2c core of the drivers continued running after detecting an error instead of leaving the function early. This led to follow-up errors and many error messages, which polluted the logs. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 304527)
  • Before, the fglib5 library had no RPath or RunPath, so you needed to add its path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to load it, and that dependencies were found. This has been improved: RPath has been added to fglib5 library. (Ticker ID: 314043)
  • Added functionality for the Framegrabber SDK to run and load applets from paths with non-latin characters. (Ticket ID: 234116)