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Known Issues (Frame Grabbers)#

This section provides information about known issues for Basler frame grabbers.

All Components#

Summary Using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaworx CXP-12 Quad Frame Grabbers with PCIe Lower than Gen 3x8 May Reduce the Camera's Acquisition Frame Rate and Cause Image Loss
Description The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad frame grabbers require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. Using slower host interfaces may reduce the camera's acquisition frame rate and cause image loss.
Workaround No workaround is available.
Ticket ID
Summary Camera Does Not Deliver Correct Images
Description If a camera with multiple links doesn't comply with the CXP standard regarding the distribution of the image data over the links, no correct images are delivered to the computer. This issue was observed with a JAI SP-12000C-CXP4 camera.
Workaround No workaround is available.
Ticket ID TFS 211645
Summary Unexpected Behavior of the Camera Simulator
Description The usage of the applet's internal camera simulator may show a lower bandwidth than expected. This does mean that certain overflow conditions may occur when the current simulator is used. When a real camera is used, this behavior doesn't show. The issue is only related to the internal camera simulator.
Workaround No workaround is available.
Ticket ID
Summary Frame Grabber Do Not Work with Windows Fast Startup
Description Under Windows 8 or higher with Fast Startup enabled (also known as Hybrid Boot or Hybrid Shutdown), the frame grabber may no longer work after changing the hardware setup and restarting the system.
Workaround A restart (explicit restart, not shutdown) solves these problems. To avoid the problems completely, disable Fast Startup as described by
Ticket ID
Summary Linux Drivers can't be Signed with a Trusted Basler Certificate
Description Using secure boot (UEFI mode) with Linux requires a driver that is signed with a trusted certificate. Since the driver is provided as source code, there is no way to sign it with a trusted Basler certificate.
Workaround To work with the driver, secure boot can be disabled. Alternatively, you can sign the driver as described in this Ubuntu blog entry.
Ticket ID


Summary LED 12EXT Illuminates Red on Wrong Event
Description The LED 12EXT is supposed to illuminate red when imaWorx isn't connected to an external power supply. However, the LED only illuminates red, if the external power connector is connected and falsely reflects the state of 12V_DC_UP instead of 12V_EXT.
Workaround No workaround is available.
Ticket ID TFS 206709

Interface Cards#

Summary Grabbing High Frame Rates Using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C Isn't Supported
Description Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C isn't supported.
Workaround No workaround is available.
Ticket ID
Summary Changing the Applet with an Interface Card Leads to Incorrect Device List
Description During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message.
Workaround No workaround is available.
Ticket ID