
Outlier Removal#

blaze 相机提供的 Outlier Removal 功能允许您删除与其本地环境显著不同的像素。



An internal algorithm determines whether a pixel's depth (measured in gray values of the depth map) differs too much from the depth of its neighboring pixels. Pixels identified as differing too much are called outliers and will be classed as invalid. By enabling the OutlierRemoval parameter, these outliers will be removed from the output.

With the OutlierRemovalThreshold parameter, you can specify the strength of the filter, i.e., the number of inliers (good data values) in a 3x3 neighborhood required to make a pixel an inlier und therefore to prerserve it. The higher the value, the more outliers will be removed.

即: OutlierRemovalTolerance parameter allows you to specify the tolerance of the filter. The lower the value, the more outliers are removed. With this parameter, you can specify the maximum permissible relative distance for a pixel to be classed as an inlier. Relative distance means the distance of a pixel to the center pixel. The lower the value, the more outliers are removed.


Outlier Removal 已禁用


Outlier Removal 已启用



组件 离群值表示法
范围 For point clouds, i.e., the PixelFormat is set to Coord3D_ABC32f, all 3 coordinates of a pixel are set to the value specified by the Scan3dInvalidDataValue parameter.
For depth maps, i.e., the PixelFormat is set to Coord3D_C16Mono16, the depth value for a pixel is set to the value specified by the Scan3dInvalidDataValue parameter.
强度 离群值的删除对亮度分量没有影响。由于指定了置信度阈值,因此不会删除任何像素数据。
置信度 设置为零。

配置 Outlier Removal#

  1. 设置 OutlierRemoval parameter to true.
  2. 设置 OutlierRemovalThreshold parameter to the desired strength.


    在大多数情况下,使用 3 到 7 之间的值可获得最佳结果。

  3. 设置 OutlierRemovalTolerance parameter to the desired tolerance.


    • 从较高的值(例如 50)开始,如有必要,减小该值,直到离群值被充分抑制。
    • 不要进一步减小该值,以免删除有效数据。