
ROI (blaze)#

blaze 相机上的 ROI 大多是固定的,由传感器大小决定。

You can't change the Width, Height, OffsetX, and OffsetY parameters but you can adjust the depth of the ROI using the DepthMin and DepthMax parameters.

The available range is 0–10 m (Long Range) and 0–1.5 m (Short Range). For example, with DepthMin set to 3000 and DepthMax set to 5000, the camera will acquire data in a distance from 3–5 m. Data from outside that range will be discarded.


Using the DepthMin and DepthMax parameters to define the ROI, and effectively to reduce it, doesn't increase resolution or improve accuracy.


在 Fast Mode 下使用 ROI 减少模糊结果#

Because the standard operating modes (Short Range and Long Range) combine exposures with multiple frequencies, the non-ambiguity range in these modes is from 0–30 m. As the Fast Mode only uses one frequency, the non-ambiguity range is determined by the range itself, i.e., 0–1.5 m in short range and 0–10 m in long range. As explained above, if you reduce the depth of the ROI, any data from beyond the ROI will be discarded. By choosing a ROI that fits your desired scene as closely as possible, you can minimize problems caused by ambiguous results.


假设您要优化距离相机 3 到 5 米的目标场景的 ROI。

  1. 设置 OperatingMode parameter to LongRange.
  2. 设置 DepthMin parameter to 3000.
  3. 设置 DepthMax parameter to 5000.

这样,从 0–3 m 至 5–10 m 之间反射的任何光都将被丢弃。在下一个时间间隔(ROI 处于 13 和 15 m 之间),您可能仍会获得不明确的结果,但是只要相机的视野中没有高反射物体或回射器,其影响就可以忽略不计。
