
Image ROI#

相机的 Image ROI 功能允许您指定要使用传感器阵列的哪些部分采集图像。

ROI 是 Region of Interest(即兴趣区的英文首字母缩写,以前为 AOI = 兴趣区)。

如果指定了图像 ROI,则相机将仅传输该区域内的像素数据。在大多数相机上,这会大大提高相机的最大帧速率。

图像 ROI 设置独立于自动功能 ROI 设置。


更改 Image ROI 的位置和大小#


要更改图像 ROI 的位置和大小,请执行以下操作:

  1. 确保相机空闲,即未在捕获图像。
  2. 如果您使用的是 ace Classic/U/L 相机,请将 CenterXCenterY 参数设置为 false
  3. 使用以下参数指定图像 ROI 的大小

    • Width
    • Height
  4. 使用以下参数指定图像 ROI 的位置

    • OffsetX
    • OffsetY

图像 ROI 的原点位于传感器阵列的左上角(第 0 列、第 0 行)。


  • Width = 16
  • Height = 10
  • OffsetX = 2
  • OffsetY = 6

这将创建以下图像 ROI:

Image ROI 示例


For area scan cameras:

  • 在大多数相机上,减小 Image ROI 的大小(尤其是高度)会显著提高相机的最大帧速率。
  • 如果启用了 Binning 功能,图像 ROI 设置是指经过像素合并的行和列,而不是传感器中的物理线路。
  • On boA5120-230cc and boA5120-230cm cameras, the OffsetY parameter is not available. The position of the image ROI is always centered in vertically.
  • On boA13440-17cm cameras, the position of the image ROI is always centered horizontally and vertically. If you change the width of the image ROI, the OffsetX parameter value adapts automatically so that the image ROI stays centered horizontally. If you change the height of the image ROI, the OffsetY parameter value adapts automatically so that the image ROI stays centered vertically.
    Both the OffsetX and OffsetY parameters are read-only.


For line scan cameras:

  • For line scan cameras having more than one sensor line, the following applies:
    If you set the image ROI height to 1, the camera output on aquisition depends on the number of camera sensor lines:
    • Cameras with 2 sensor lines:
      The camera will output the color channels as follows:
      G in one line, R and B alternating in the other.
    • Cameras with 3 sensor lines:
      The camera will output all three channels (R, G, and B) on acquisition.
      For information about the number of sensor lines available in a camera model, see the General Specifications table in the corresponding camera topic.
  • On all racer 2 cameras, the OffsetY parameter is not available.
  • On racer 2 cameras with CXP interface, the Height parameter is automatically set to 1 and can't be changed. For these cameras, the single lines are transmitted to the frame grabber individually. The frame grabber then combines them into a frame.
  • On racer 2 S cameras with GigE5GigE interface, you can add several lines to build a frame. Use the Height parameter to define the height of the image ROI, i.e., the height of the resulting frame that is transmitted to the host computer.
    Minimum number of lines per frame: 1
    Depending on the host computer, a low frame height (i.e. < 10 lines) may increase the CPU load of the host computer significantly.
    即: maximum number of lines per frame depends on the camera model:
    • For r2L2048-29gc, r2L2048-58gm, r2L2048-62g5c, r2L2048-172g5m, r2L4096-29gm, and r2L4096-84g5m cameras: 12000
    • For r2L4096-14gc and r2L4096-42g5c cameras: 10000


For racer 2 S GigE cameras, you can use the Counter and Data Chunks features, in combination with the trigger settings, to specify which lines belong to a frame and which frames belong to the correct test object.


指定图像 ROI 时,请遵循以下准则:

指导准则 示例
OffsetX + WidthWidthMax 具有 1920 x 1080 像素的传感器:
OffsetX + Width ≤ 1920
OffsetY + HeightHeightMax 具有 1920 x 1080 像素的传感器:
OffsetY + Height ≤ 1080

WidthMaxHeightMax 参数值适用于当前的 BinningDecimationScaling 设置(如果可用)。


Image ROI 大小#


相机型号 最小宽度 最小高度
a2A640-240gmSWIR 4 1
a2A640-240umSWIR 4 1
a2A1280-80gmSWIR 4 1
a2A1280-125umSWIR 4 1
a2A1920-51gcBAS 4 2
a2A1920-51gcPRO 4 2
a2A1920-51gmBAS 4 1
a2A1920-51gmPRO 4 1
a2A1920-160ucBAS 4 2
a2A1920-160ucPRO 4 2
a2A1920-160umBAS 4 1
a2A1920-160umPRO 4 1
a2A1920-165g5cBAS 4 2
a2A1920-165g5mBAS 4 1
a2A2048-35gmSWIR 4 1
a2A2048-37gcBAS 4 2
a2A2048-37gcPRO 4 2
a2A2048-37gmBAS 4 1
a2A2048-37gmPRO 4 1
a2A2048-110umSWIR 4 1
a2A2048-114g5cBAS 4 2
a2A2048-114g5mBAS 4 1
a2A2048-114ucBAS 4 2
a2A2048-114ucPRO 4 2
a2A2048-114umBAS 4 1
a2A2048-114umPRO 4 1
a2A2440-98g5cBAS 4 4
a2A2440-98g5mBAS 4 4
a2A2448-23gcBAS 4 2
a2A2448-23gcPRO 4 2
a2A2448-23gmBAS 4 1
a2A2448-23gmPRO 4 1
a2A2448-75ucBAS 4 2
a2A2448-75ucPRO 4 2
a2A2448-75umBAS 4 1
a2A2448-75umPRO 4 1
a2A2448-105g5cBAS 4 2
a2A2448-105g5mBAS 4 1
a2A2448-120cc 48 2
a2A2448-120cm 48 2
a2A2448-210cc 48 2
a2A2448-210cm 48 2
a2A2560-20gmSWIR 4 1
a2A2560-70umSWIR 4 1
a2A2590-22gcBAS 4 2
a2A2590-22gcPRO 4 2
a2A2590-22gmBAS 4 1
a2A2590-22gmPRO 4 1
a2A2590-60ucBAS 4 2
a2A2590-60ucPRO 4 2
a2A2590-60umBAS 4 1
a2A2590-60umPRO 4 1
a2A2600-20gcBAS 4 2
a2A2600-20gcPRO 4 2
a2A2600-20gmBAS 4 1
a2A2600-20gmPRO 4 1
a2A2600-64ucBAS 4 2
a2A2600-64ucPRO 4 2
a2A2600-64umBAS 4 1
a2A2600-64umPRO 4 1
a2A2840-14gcBAS 4 2
a2A2840-14gcPRO 4 2
a2A2840-14gmBAS 4 1
a2A2840-14gmPRO 4 1
a2A2840-14gmUV 4 1
a2A2840-48ucBAS 4 2
a2A2840-48ucPRO 4 2
a2A2840-48umBAS 4 1
a2A2840-48umPRO 4 1
a2A2840-48umUV 4 1
a2A2840-67g5cBAS 4 2
a2A2840-67g5mBAS 4 1
a2A2840-67g5mUV 4 1
a2A2840-86cc 48 2
a2A2840-86cm 48 2
a2A3536-9gcBAS 4 2
a2A3536-9gcPRO 4 2
a2A3536-9gmBAS 4 2
a2A3536-9gmPRO 4 2
a2A3536-31ucBAS 4 2
a2A3536-31ucPRO 4 2
a2A3536-31umBAS 4 2
a2A3536-31umPRO 4 2
a2A3536-42g5cBAS 4 4
a2A3536-42g5mBAS 4 4
a2A3840-13gcBAS 4 2
a2A3840-13gcPRO 4 2
a2A3840-13gmBAS 4 1
a2A3840-13gmPRO 4 1
a2A3840-45ucBAS 4 2
a2A3840-45ucPRO 4 2
a2A3840-45umBAS 4 1
a2A3840-45umPRO 4 1
a2A4096-9gcBAS 4 2
a2A4096-9gcPRO 4 2
a2A4096-9gmBAS 4 1
a2A4096-9gmPRO 4 1
a2A4096-30ucBAS 4 2
a2A4096-30ucPRO 4 2
a2A4096-30umBAS 4 1
a2A4096-30umPRO 4 1
a2A4096-44g5cBAS 4 2
a2A4096-44g5mBAS 4 1
a2A4096-67cc 48 2
a2A4096-67cm 48 2
a2A4200-12gcBAS 4 2
a2A4200-12gcPRO 4 2
a2A4200-12gmBAS 4 1
a2A4200-12gmPRO 4 1
a2A4200-40ucBAS 4 2
a2A4200-40ucPRO 4 2
a2A4200-40umBAS 4 1
a2A4200-40umPRO 4 1
a2A4504-5gcBAS 4 2
a2A4504-5gcPRO 4 2
a2A4504-5gmBAS 4 1
a2A4504-5gmPRO 4 1
a2A4504-18ucBAS 4 2
a2A4504-18ucPRO 4 2
a2A4504-18umBAS 4 1
a2A4504-18umPRO 4 1
a2A4504-27g5cBAS 4 2
a2A4504-27g5mBAS 4 1
a2A4504-42cc 48 2
a2A4504-42cm 48 2
a2A4508-6gcBAS 4 2
a2A4508-6gcPRO 4 2
a2A4508-6gmBAS 4 1
a2A4508-6gmPRO 4 1
a2A4508-20ucBAS 4 2
a2A4508-20ucPRO 4 2
a2A4508-20umBAS 4 1
a2A4508-20umPRO 4 1
a2A5060-4gcBAS 4 2
a2A5060-4gmBAS 4 1
a2A5060-15ucBAS 4 2
a2A5060-15umBAS 4 1
a2A5060-21g5cBAS 4 2
a2A5060-21g5mBAS 4 1
a2A5060-35cc 48 2
a2A5060-35cm 48 2
a2A5320-7gcBAS 4 2
a2A5320-7gcPRO 4 2
a2A5320-7gmBAS 4 1
a2A5320-7gmPRO 4 1
a2A5320-23ucBAS 4 2
a2A5320-23ucPRO 4 2
a2A5320-23umBAS 4 1
a2A5320-23umPRO 4 1
a2A5320-34g5cBAS 4 2
a2A5320-34g5mBAS 4 1
a2A5320-52cc 48 2
a2A5320-52cm 48 2
a2A5328-4gcBAS 4 2
a2A5328-4gcPRO 4 2
a2A5328-4gmBAS 4 1
a2A5328-4gmPRO 4 1
a2A5328-15ucBAS 4 2
a2A5328-15ucPRO 4 2
a2A5328-15umBAS 4 1
a2A5328-15umPRO 4 1
a2A5328-22g5cBAS 4 2
a2A5328-22g5mBAS 4 1
a2A5328-35cc 48 2
a2A5328-35cm 48 2
acA640-121gm 1 1
acA640-300gc 16 2
acA640-300gm 16 1
acA640-750uc 16 2
acA640-750um 16 1
acA720-290gc 2 2
acA720-290gm 1 1
acA720-520uc 2 2
acA720-520um 1 1
acA800-200gc 16 2
acA800-200gm 16 1
acA800-510uc 16 2
acA800-510um 16 1
acA1280-60gc 2 2
acA1280-60gm 1 1
acA1300-60gc 2 2
acA1300-60gm 1 1
acA1300-60gmNIR 1 1
acA1300-75gc 16 2
acA1300-75gm 16 1
acA1300-200uc 16 2
acA1300-200um 16 1
acA1440-73gc 2 2
acA1440-73gm 1 1
acA1440-220uc 2 2
acA1440-220um 1 1
acA1600-20gc 2 2
acA1600-20uc 2 2
acA1600-60gc 2 2
acA1600-60gm 1 1
acA1920-25gc 64 64
acA1920-25gm 64 64
acA1920-25uc 64a 64a
acA1920-25um 64a 64a
acA1920-40gc 2 2
acA1920-40gm 1 1
acA1920-40uc 4 2
acA1920-40ucMED 4 2
acA1920-40um 4 1
acA1920-40umMED 4 1
acA1920-48gc 32 2
acA1920-48gm 32 1
acA1920-50gc 2 2
acA1920-50gm 1 1
acA1920-150uc 32 2
acA1920-150um 32 1
acA1920-155uc 4 2
acA1920-155ucMED 4 2
acA1920-155um 4 1
acA1920-155umMED 4 1
acA2000-50gc 2 2
acA2000-50gm 1 1
acA2000-165uc 8 2
acA2000-165um 8 1
acA2040-25gc 2 2
acA2040-25gm 1 1
acA2040-25gmNIR 1 1
acA2040-35gc 2 2
acA2040-35gm 1 1
acA2040-55uc 4 2
acA2040-55um 4 1
acA2040-90uc 8 2
acA2040-90um 8 1
acA2040-90umNIR 8 1
acA2040-120uc 4 2
acA2040-120um 4 1
acA2440-20gc 2 2
acA2440-20gm 1 1
acA2440-35uc 4 2
acA2440-35ucMED 4 2
acA2440-35um 4 1
acA2440-35umMED 4 1
acA2440-75uc 4 2
acA2440-75ucMED 4 2
acA2440-75um 4 1
acA2440-75umMED 4 1
acA2500-14gc 64 64
acA2500-14gm 64 64
acA2500-14uc 64a 64a
acA2500-14um 64a 64a
acA2500-20gc 32 2
acA2500-20gcMED 32 2
acA2500-20gm 32 1
acA2500-20gmMED 32 1
acA2500-60uc 32 1
acA2500-60um 32 1
acA3088-16gc 376 320
acA3088-16gm 376 320
acA3088-57uc 376 320
acA3088-57ucMED 376 320
acA3088-57um 376 320
acA3088-57umMED 376 320
acA3800-10gc 64 64
acA3800-10gm 64 64
acA3800-14uc 64 64
acA3800-14um 64a 64a
acA4024-8gc 8 6
acA4024-8gm 8 5
acA4024-29uc 8 6
acA4024-29um 8 5
acA4096-11gc 16 2
acA4096-11gm 16 1
acA4096-30uc 4 2
acA4096-30ucMED 4 2
acA4096-30um 4 1
acA4096-30umMED 4 1
acA4096-40uc 4 2
acA4096-40ucMED 4 2
acA4096-40um 4 1
acA4096-40umMED 4 1
acA4112-8gc 16 2
acA4112-8gm 16 1
acA4112-20uc 4 2
acA4112-20ucMED 4 2
acA4112-20um 4 1
acA4112-20umMED 4 1
acA4112-30uc 4 2
acA4112-30ucMED 4 2
acA4112-30um 4 1
acA4112-30umMED 4 1
acA5472-5gc 8 6
acA5472-5gm 8 5
acA5472-17uc 8 6
acA5472-17ucMED 8 6
acA5472-17um 8 5
acA5472-17umMED 8 5
boA1936-400cc 48 2
boA1936-400cm 48 2
boA2448-250cc 96/48b 2
bo2448-250cm 48 2
boA2832-190cc 96/48b 2
bo2832-190cm 48 2
boA4096-93cc 48 2
boA4096-93cm 48 2
boA4096-180cc 96/48b 2
bo4096-180cm 48 2
boA4112-68cc 48 2
boA4112-68cm 48 2
boA4500-45cc 48 2
boA4500-45cm 48 2
boA4504-100cc 96/48b 2
boA4504-100cm 96/48b 2
boA5120-150cc 256 4
boA5120-150cm 256 4
boA5120-230cc 256 32
boA5120-230cm 256 32
boA5320-150cc 96/48b 2
boA5320-150cm 96/48b 2
boA5328-100cc 96/48b 2
boA5328-100cm 96/48b 2
boA6500-36cc 48 2
boA6500-36cm 48 2
boA8100-16cc 48 2
boA8100-16cm 48 2
boA9344-30cc 256 4
boA9344-30cm 256 4
boA9344-70cc 256 4
boA9344-70cm 256 4
boA13440-17cm 96/48b 2
daA720-520uc 2 6
daA720-520um 4 3
daA1280-54uc 16 8
daA1280-54um 16 8
daA1440-220uc 2 6
daA1440-220um 4 3
daA1600-60uc 16 8
daA1600-60um 16 8
daA1920-15um 16 8
daA1920-30uc 16 8
daA1920-30um 16 8
daA1920-160uc 2 6
daA1920-160um 4 1
daA2448-70uc 2 6
daA2448-70um 4 3
daA2500-14uc 16 8
daA2500-14um 16 8
daA3840-45uc 2 6
daA3840-45um 4 4
dmA720-290gc 4 2
dmA720-290gm 4 1
dmA1440-73gc 4 2
dmA1440-73gm 4 1
dmA1920-51gc 4 2
dmA1920-51gm 4 1
dmA2048-37gc 4 2
dmA2048-37gm 4 1
dmA2448-23gc 4 2
dmA2448-23gm 4 1
dmA2840-14gc 4 2
dmA2840-14gm 4 1
dmA3536-9gc 4 2
dmA3536-9gm 4 2
dmA4096-9gc 4 2
dmA4096-9gm 4 1
puA1280-54uc 16 8
puA1280-54um 16 8
puA1600-60uc 16 8
puA1600-60um 16 8
puA1920-30uc 4 4
puA1920-30um 4 4
puA2500-14uc 4 4
puA2500-14um 4 4
r2L2048-29gc 4 1
r2L2048-58gm 4 1
r2L2048-62cc 48 1
r2L2048-62g5c 4 1
r2L2048-172cm 48 1
r2L2048-172g5m 4 1
r2L4096-14gc 4 1
r2L4096-29gm 4 1
r2L4096-42cc 48 1
r2L4096-42g5c 4 1
r2L4096-84cm 48 1
r2L4096-84g5m 4 1
r2L8192-200cm 64 1
r2L16384-120cm 64 1

  1. 启用像素合并后,最小宽度和最小高度将减小。值四舍五入到最接近的整数。示例:如果您将水平像素合并配置为 3,则有效最小宽度为 64 / 3 = 21.333 ≈ 22。

  2. 10 位像素格式/其他像素格式


ace Classic/U/L GigE 相机#
// Set the width to the maximum value
int64_t maxWidth = camera.Width.GetMax();
// Set the height to 500
// Set the offset to 0,0
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Set the width to the maximum value
int64_t maxWidth = CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "Width").GetMax();
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "Width").SetValue(maxWidth);
// Set the height to 500
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "Height").SetValue(500);
// Set the offset to 0,0
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "OffsetX").SetValue(0);
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "OffsetY").SetValue(0);
// Set the width to the maximum value
Int64 maxWidth = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Width].GetMaximum();
// Set the height to 500
// Set the offset to 0,0
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
int64_t maxWidth = 0;
/* Set the width to the maximum value */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetIntegerFeatureMax(hdev, "Width", &maxWidth);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "Width", maxWidth);
/* Set the height to 500 */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "Height", 500);
/* Set the offset to 0,0 */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "OffsetX", 0);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "OffsetY", 0);
# Set the width to the maximum value
maxWidth = camera.Width.Max
camera.Width.Value = maxWidth
# Set the height to 500
camera.Height.Value = 500
# Set the offset to 0,0
camera.OffsetX.Value = 0
camera.OffsetY.Value = 0
// Set the width to the maximum value
int64_t maxWidth = camera.WidthMax.GetValue();
// Set the height to 500
// Set the offset to 0
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Set the width to the maximum value
int64_t maxWidth = CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "WidthMax").GetValue();
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "Width").SetValue(maxWidth);
// Set the height to 500
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "Height").SetValue(500);
// Set the offset to 0
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "OffsetX").SetValue(0);
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "OffsetY").SetValue(0);
// Set the width to the maximum value
Int64 maxWidth = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.WidthMax].GetValue();
// Set the height to 500
// Set the offset to 0
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
int64_t maxWidth = 0;
/* Set the width to the maximum value */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetIntegerFeature(hdev, "WidthMax", &maxWidth);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "Width", maxWidth);
/* Set the height to 500 */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "Height", 500);
/* Set the offset to 0 */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "OffsetX", 0);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "OffsetY", 0);
# Set the width to the maximum value
maxWidth = camera.WidthMax.Value
camera.Width.Value = maxWidth
# Set the height to 500
camera.Height.Value = 500
# Set the offset to 0
camera.OffsetX.Value = 0
camera.OffsetY.Value = 0

您也可以使用 pylon Viewer 轻松设置参数。