
Confidence Threshold#

Confidence Threshold 功能允许您从使用 blaze 相机进行的测量中排除不可靠的数据。



The camera calculates an internal confidence value between 0 and 65335 for every pixel. The more light is collected for a pixel, the higher the confidence value. With the ConfidenceThreshold parameter you can specify that only pixels above a certain confidence value are included in the camera output. If the internal confidence value of a pixel doesn't pass the confidence threshold, the corresponding pixel position is represented in the various components like outlined in the following table:

组件 低于 Confidence Threshold 的像素表示法
范围 For point clouds, i.e., the PixelFormat is set to Coord3D_ABC32f, all 3 coordinates of a pixel are set to the value specified by the Scan3dInvalidDataValue parameter.
For depth maps, i.e., the PixelFormat is set to Coord3D_C16Mono16, the depth value for a pixel is set to the value specified by the Scan3dInvalidDataValue parameter.
强度 置信度阈值对强度分量没有影响。无论置信度值如何,每个像素始终会有强度值。
置信度 设置为零。

设置 Confidence Threshold#

您可以指定一个 0 到 65335 之间的置信度阈值。由于操作条件在不同的应用中可能会发生很大变化,因此没有选择该值的通用准则。尝试使用此参数进行试验,以查看哪个设置可提供最佳效果,即,在哪个设置中删除了图像中不需要的部分。