

本主题介绍 blaze 相机流式传输图像和深度数据时用于控制网络带宽消耗的参数。



示例:如果通过交换机将 2 部相机连接到接收计算机的千兆以太网适配器的网络端口,则两部相机的吞吐量之和不得超过最大吞吐量 1 GBit/s(125,000,000 字节/秒)。



In a first step, determine the maximum possible throughput your cameras can generate with their current settings by reading the BslDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput parameter. This parameter indicates the bandwidth consumption when the camera is in free run mode, i.e., when it isn't triggered externally using software or hardware triggers.

Once you have this information, use the DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode and DeviceLinkThroughputLimit parameters to specify sensible throughput limits for each camera. The sum of the throughputs of all cameras sharing the same link must not exceed the maximum throughput of the network adapter.


At a certain point, this will affect the frame rate you can achieve. Read the BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate parameter to find out the maximum possible frame rate with the current camera settings.



  1. 设置 DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode parameter to On.
  2. Specify the desired DeviceLinkThroughputLimit parameter value.
  3. Read the BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate parameter to find out how the device link throughput limit affects the frame rate.


流式传输协议基于 UDP 协议。UDP 不保证相机发送的数据包会被主机接收。


The bandwidth reserve is controlled by the GevSCBWR and GevSCBWRA parameters, which are described in the table below.


参数名称 显示名称 描述
DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode 设备链路吞吐量限值模式 Allows you to limit the maximum available bandwidth for data transmission. Set the parameter to On to enable the limit. The maximum bandwidth is limited to the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit parameter value.
DeviceLinkThroughputLimit 设备链路吞吐量限值 Specifies the maximum available bandwidth for data transmission in bytes per second. To enable the limit, set the DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode parameter to On.
BslDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput 当前设备链路吞吐量 相机在当前相机设置下用于传输数据的实际带宽(以每秒字节数为单位)。
BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate 结果 Acquisition Frame Rate 当前相机设置下每秒可获取的最大帧数。
GevSCBWR 带宽预留 Specifies which portion of the assigned bandwidth is reserved to handle packet resends and to control data transmission.
The setting is expressed as a percentage of the assigned bandwidth.
示例: If a bandwidth of 30 MByte/s is assigned to the camera and the GevSCBWR parameter is set to 5 %, the bandwidth reserve will be 1.5 MByte/s.
GevSCBWRA 带宽预留累积 Multiplier used to set the maximum number of resends that can be held in the "accumulator pool".
You can use the GevSCBWRA parameter to handle situations when the network connection becomes unstable. In these situations, a larger number of packet resends may be needed temporarily to transmit an image. The bandwidth reserve accumulation is basically an additional pool of resends that the camera can use in unusual situations.
示例: The current bandwidth reserve setting is large enough to allow up to 5 packet resends during a frame period. The bandwidth reserve accumulation (GevSCBWRA parameter) is set to 3. With these settings, the accumulator pool can hold a maximum of 5 x 3 = 15 resends.
GevSCPSPacketSize 数据包大小 Specifies the maximum size of a data packet transmitted via Ethernet. The value is in bytes.
For blaze cameras the only supported value is 1500 bytes.