
Distortion Correction#

Distortion Correction 功能会自动校正图像中的光学失真。




所有 Basler blaze 相机均在 Basler 工厂进行校准。校准包括 DistortionCorrection 参数。启用后,此特征会自动消除任何失真效果。此特征使用 Brown-Conrady 模型的失真系数,可以校正径向和切向失真。


Depending on the camera model, different mapping functions are used for the correction.

The blaze-101 and blaze-102 use the distortion coefficients of the Brown-Conrady model. The radial distortions are corrected using the following two coefficients:

xd = (1 + k1r2 + k2r4) * xu

where r is the distance to the principal point

For the blaze-112, the general camera model for wide-angle and fisheye lenses is used. Four coefficients are used here. These are sufficient to map the projection curves with acceptable accuracy.

r(θ) = θ + k1θ3 + k2θ5 + k3θ7 + k4θ9

The distortion coefficients are specific to each camera and can be read out via the Scan3dDistortionCoefficientSelector and Scan3dDistortionCoefficientValue parameters if distortion correction is disabled.

禁用 Distortion Correction#

如果您更喜欢自己校正失真效果,请禁用 DistortionCorrection 参数。

pylon blaze 补充软件包随附的 Distortion Correction 示例解释了此过程并告诉您如何计算已更正的点云。