
Basler Vision Connector Messaging: Setting Camera Quick Parameters#

In addition to the SetParameters command, the Quick Parameters feature provides a way to quickly define the most commonly used parameters. These parameters use common known names, and the Basler Vision Connector maps them to the corresponding camera parameter.

JSON Payload#

Field Optional 键入 描述
TransactionID String Transaction identification
操作 String Method called. Fixed value: SetQuickParameters
DeviceID String Device identification
Width Integer (64-bit signed)/ String Image widtha
PixelFormat Integer (64-bit signed) /String Pixel formatab
Height Integer (64-bit signed) /String Image heighta
Gain Float/ Integer (64-bit signed)/ String Gaina. To activate automatic gain, use the Autostring.
ExposureTime Float/ Integer (64-bit signed)/ String Exposure time in microsecondsa. To activate automatic exposure, use the Autostring.

  1. Camera-dependent values, invalid values are listed in the returning error message.

  2. GenICam standardized pixel format, complying with the GenICam Naming Convention as described in 4.35 of the GenICam_PFNC_2_4.pdf.

    "TransactionID": "23456435",
    "Action": "SetQuickParameters",
    "DeviceID": "548451887",
    "Width": 800,
    "Height": 600,
    "Gain": "Auto",
    "PixelFormat": "Mono8",
    "ExposureTime": 234.5

Response Object#

Field Optional 键入 描述
TransactionID String Transaction identification
ReturnCode Integer (32-bit unsigned) Message code following Message Codes
消息 String Response message
    "TransactionID": "23456435",
    "ReturnCode": 0,
    "Message": "Parameters updated."