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A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for Instant Camera. More…

#include <pylon/_InstantCameraParams.h>

Inherits from Basler_InstantCameraParams::CInstantCameraParams_Params_v10_0_0

Inherited by Pylon::CInstantCamera

Public Attributes#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & AcquisitionStartStopExecutionEnable
If set, this will automatically execute AcquisitionStart when calling StartGrabbing and AcquisitionStop when calling StopGrabbing This option is enabled by default - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BufferHandlingModeEnums > & BufferHandlingMode
Buffer handling mode - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & ChunkNodeMapsEnable
Enables/disables the use of a chunk node map for each grab result Grab result chunk node maps can be disabled to save resources - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & ClearBufferModeEnable
If set, all buffers will be cleared (set to 0) before grabbing an image Note that this requires additional processing time per frame - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & GrabCameraEvents
Enables/disables the grabbing of camera events while images are grabbed Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & MaxNumBuffer
The maximum number of buffers that are allocated and used for grabbing - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & MaxNumGrabResults
The maximum number of grab results available at any time during a grab session This value can be limited to save resources Furthermore, it can be used to check that the grab results are returned correctly - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & MaxNumQueuedBuffer
The maximum number of buffers that are queued in the stream grabber input queue - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & MigrationModeActive
The migration mode is set up according to this setting at defined points e g , when the camera is opened - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & MonitorModeActive
The camera object is set to monitor mode when enabled, e g when using the GigE multicast feature Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumEmptyBuffers
The number of empty buffers that are not used for grabbing yet - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumQueuedBuffers
The number of buffers queued at Low Level API stream grabber - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumReadyBuffers
The number of grab result buffers in the output queue that are ready for retrieval - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & OutputQueueSize
The size of the grab result buffer output queue - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & StaticChunkNodeMapPoolSize
If larger than 0, a static chunk node map pool is used instead of dynamic chunk node map creation - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & UseExtendedIdIfAvailable
Use Extended ID if available in the camera and supported by the driver - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & GrabLoopThreadPriority
The grab loop thread priority - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & GrabLoopThreadPriorityOverride
If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the grab loop thread Otherwise, the priority of the newly created thread is not changed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & GrabLoopThreadTimeout
A custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & GrabLoopThreadUseTimeout
If enabled, the user can set a custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & InternalGrabEngineThreadPriority
The internal grab engine thread priority - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Pylon::IBooleanEx & InternalGrabEngineThreadPriorityOverride
If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber Otherwise the priority defaults to 25 - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Detailed Description#

class Basler_InstantCameraParams::CInstantCameraParams_Params;

A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for Instant Camera.

The parameter class is used by the Pylon::CInstantCamera class. The code sample [Grab] shows the usage by setting the MaxNumBuffer parameter.

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable AcquisitionStartStopExecutionEnable#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & AcquisitionStartStopExecutionEnable;

If set, this will automatically execute AcquisitionStart when calling StartGrabbing and AcquisitionStop when calling StopGrabbing This option is enabled by default - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable BufferHandlingMode#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BufferHandlingModeEnums > & BufferHandlingMode;

Buffer handling mode - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Determines whether the number of available buffers is limited and when they are allocated.

Visibility: Expert

variable ChunkNodeMapsEnable#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & ChunkNodeMapsEnable;

Enables/disables the use of a chunk node map for each grab result Grab result chunk node maps can be disabled to save resources - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable ClearBufferModeEnable#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & ClearBufferModeEnable;

If set, all buffers will be cleared (set to 0) before grabbing an image Note that this requires additional processing time per frame - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable GrabCameraEvents#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & GrabCameraEvents;

Enables/disables the grabbing of camera events while images are grabbed Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Expert

variable MaxNumBuffer#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & MaxNumBuffer;

The maximum number of buffers that are allocated and used for grabbing - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Beginner

variable MaxNumGrabResults#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & MaxNumGrabResults;

The maximum number of grab results available at any time during a grab session This value can be limited to save resources Furthermore, it can be used to check that the grab results are returned correctly - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Beginner

variable MaxNumQueuedBuffer#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & MaxNumQueuedBuffer;

The maximum number of buffers that are queued in the stream grabber input queue - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Beginner

variable MigrationModeActive#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & MigrationModeActive;

The migration mode is set up according to this setting at defined points e g , when the camera is opened - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable MonitorModeActive#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & MonitorModeActive;

The camera object is set to monitor mode when enabled, e g when using the GigE multicast feature Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable NumEmptyBuffers#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumEmptyBuffers;

The number of empty buffers that are not used for grabbing yet - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Expert

variable NumQueuedBuffers#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumQueuedBuffers;

The number of buffers queued at Low Level API stream grabber - Applies to: InstantCamera.

This is the number of buffers that are queued for grabbing in the stream grabber. The number is influenced by the number of available free buffers and the maximum number of buffers that can be queued. See also the MaxNumBuffer and MaxNumQueuedBuffer parameters.

This parameter can be used to check whether the number of buffers ready for grabbing is stable, which means that the image processing is fast enough to keep up with the rate of incoming images when using the GrabStrategy_OneByOne grab strategy.

Visibility: Expert

variable NumReadyBuffers#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumReadyBuffers;

The number of grab result buffers in the output queue that are ready for retrieval - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Expert

variable OutputQueueSize#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & OutputQueueSize;

The size of the grab result buffer output queue - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Expert

variable StaticChunkNodeMapPoolSize#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & StaticChunkNodeMapPoolSize;

If larger than 0, a static chunk node map pool is used instead of dynamic chunk node map creation - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable UseExtendedIdIfAvailable#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & UseExtendedIdIfAvailable;

Use Extended ID if available in the camera and supported by the driver - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Enabling this setting will use Extended ID if it is supported by the camera and driver. If it is not supported, it will not be used and this setting has no negative side effects.

Visibility: Guru

variable GrabLoopThreadPriority#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & GrabLoopThreadPriority;

The grab loop thread priority - Applies to: InstantCamera.

This value sets the absolute thread priority for the grab loop thread.

Visibility: Guru

variable GrabLoopThreadPriorityOverride#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & GrabLoopThreadPriorityOverride;

If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the grab loop thread Otherwise, the priority of the newly created thread is not changed - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable GrabLoopThreadTimeout#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & GrabLoopThreadTimeout;

A custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Beginner

variable GrabLoopThreadUseTimeout#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & GrabLoopThreadUseTimeout;

If enabled, the user can set a custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru

variable InternalGrabEngineThreadPriority#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & InternalGrabEngineThreadPriority;

The internal grab engine thread priority - Applies to: InstantCamera.

This value sets the absolute thread priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber.

Visibility: Guru

variable InternalGrabEngineThreadPriorityOverride#

Pylon::IBooleanEx & InternalGrabEngineThreadPriorityOverride;

If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber Otherwise the priority defaults to 25 - Applies to: InstantCamera.

Visibility: Guru