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A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for Video Writer. More…

#include <pylon/_VideoWriterParams.h>

Inherits from Basler_VideoWriterParams::CVideoWriterParams_Params_v10_0_0

Inherited by Pylon::CVideoWriter

Public Attributes#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Bitrate
Bit rate of the resulting compressed stream.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CompressionModeEnums > & CompressionMode
Sets the compression mode.
Pylon::IFloatEx & PlaybackFrameRate
Frame rate (in Hertz) of the video to be recorded.
Pylon::IFloatEx & Quality
Quality of the resulting compressed stream.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ThreadCount
Number of threads used for recording the video.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & BytesWritten
Bytes written to file since starting the recording.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & FrameCount
Number of frames written since starting the recording.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & Height
Height of the image (in pixels)
Pylon::IIntegerEx & Width
Width of the image (in pixels)

Detailed Description#

class Basler_VideoWriterParams::CVideoWriterParams_Params;

A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for Video Writer.

The parameter class is used by the Pylon::CVideoWriter class. The Pylon::CVideoWriter can be used to create video files in the MP4 format. The [Utility_GrabVideo] code sample shows the use of the Video Writer class.

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable Bitrate#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Bitrate;

Bit rate of the resulting compressed stream.

Visibility: Beginner

variable CompressionMode#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CompressionModeEnums > & CompressionMode;

Sets the compression mode.

Sets the compression mode. You can choose whether to keep the bit rate or the quality of the resulting video stream constant.

Visibility: Beginner

variable PlaybackFrameRate#

Pylon::IFloatEx & PlaybackFrameRate;

Frame rate (in Hertz) of the video to be recorded.

Visibility: Beginner

variable Quality#

Pylon::IFloatEx & Quality;

Quality of the resulting compressed stream.

Quality of the resulting compressed stream. The quality has a direct influence on the resulting bit rate. The optimal bit rate is calculated based on the input values height, width, and playback frame rate (WIDTH * HEIGHT * PLAYBACKFRAMERATE * 0.25). This is then normalized to the quality value range 1-100, where 100 corresponds to the optimum bit rate and 1 to the lowest bit rate.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ThreadCount#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ThreadCount;

Number of threads used for recording the video.

Visibility: Expert

variable BytesWritten#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & BytesWritten;

Bytes written to file since starting the recording.

Visibility: Beginner

variable FrameCount#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & FrameCount;

Number of frames written since starting the recording.

Visibility: Beginner

variable Height#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Height;

Height of the image (in pixels)

Visibility: Invisible

variable Width#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Width;

Width of the image (in pixels)

Visibility: Invisible