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A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for pylon event grabbers. More…

#include <pylon/_BaslerUniversalEventParams.h>

Inherits from Basler_UniversalEventParams::CUniversalEventParams_Params_v9_0_0

Public Attributes#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & FirewallTraversalInterval
Firewall traversal interval value in milliseconds This applies to the event channel If set to 0, this feature is disabled - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumBuffer
Number of buffers to be used - Applies to: GigE and USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumMaxQueuedUrbs
Maximum number of USB request blocks (URBs) to be enqueued simultaneously - Applies to: USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & RetryCount
Maximum number of retries - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & Timeout
Acknowledge timeout in milliseconds - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & TransferLoopThreadPriority
Priority of the thread that handles USB requests from the stream interface - Applies to: USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & Statistic_Failed_Event_Count
Count of processed events with an error status - Applies to: USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & Statistic_Last_Failed_Event_Buffer_Status
Status code of the last failed event buffer - Applies to: USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & Statistic_Total_Event_Count
Total count of processed events - Applies to: USB.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< StatusEnums > & Status
For internal use only - Applies to: GigE.

Detailed Description#

class Basler_UniversalEventParams::CUniversalEventParams_Params;

A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for pylon event grabbers.

The parameter class is used by the Pylon::CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class. The [ParametrizeCamera_NativeParameterAccess] code sample shows how to access camera parameters via the Pylon::CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class.

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable FirewallTraversalInterval#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & FirewallTraversalInterval;

Firewall traversal interval value in milliseconds This applies to the event channel If set to 0, this feature is disabled - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Guru

variable NumBuffer#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumBuffer;

Number of buffers to be used - Applies to: GigE and USB.

Number of Buffers that are going to be used receiving events.

Visibility: Expert

variable NumMaxQueuedUrbs#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & NumMaxQueuedUrbs;

Maximum number of USB request blocks (URBs) to be enqueued simultaneously - Applies to: USB.

Visibility: Guru

variable RetryCount#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & RetryCount;

Maximum number of retries - Applies to: GigE.

Number retry attempts by the camera to get an acknowledge for a sent event message.

Visibility: Expert

variable Timeout#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Timeout;

Acknowledge timeout in milliseconds - Applies to: GigE.

Time to wait by the camera if an acknowledge request is configured (RetryCount != 0) to wait until the acknowledge arrives before resending the event message on its own.

Visibility: Expert

variable TransferLoopThreadPriority#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & TransferLoopThreadPriority;

Priority of the thread that handles USB requests from the stream interface - Applies to: USB.

Visibility: Guru

variable Statistic_Failed_Event_Count#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Statistic_Failed_Event_Count;

Count of processed events with an error status - Applies to: USB.

Visibility: Expert

variable Statistic_Last_Failed_Event_Buffer_Status#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Statistic_Last_Failed_Event_Buffer_Status;

Status code of the last failed event buffer - Applies to: USB.

Visibility: Expert

variable Statistic_Total_Event_Count#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & Statistic_Total_Event_Count;

Total count of processed events - Applies to: USB.

Visibility: Expert

variable Status#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< StatusEnums > & Status;

For internal use only - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Guru