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PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum Class#

Sets which chunk can be enabled. The chunk can be enabled using the Chunk Enable parameter.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: ChunkEnable

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum class


Public propertyAutoBrightnessStatus

The Auto Brightness Status chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyBrightPixel

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyComponentID

Component ID

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyComponentIDValue

Component ID Value

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyComponents

Components bitmask

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyCounterValue

The Counter Value chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyDecimationHorizontal

Decimation Horizontal

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyDecimationVertical

Decimation Vertical

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyDynamicRangeMax

The Dynamic Range Max chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyDynamicRangeMin

The Dynamic Range Min chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyExposureTime

The Exposure Time chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyFramecounter

The Frame Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyFrameID

The Frame ID chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyFramesPerTriggerCounter

The Frames Per Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyFrameTriggerCounter

The Frame Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyFrameTriggerIgnoredCounter

The Frame Trigger Ignored Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyGain

The Gain chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyGainAll

The Gain All chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyHeight

The Height chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

Public propertyImage

The Image chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace USB

Public propertyInputStatusAtLineTrigger

The Input Status At Line Trigger chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyLineSource

Line Source

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyLineStatusAll

The Line Status All chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyLineTriggerCounter

The Line Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyLineTriggerEndToEndCounter

The Line Trigger End To End Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyLineTriggerIgnoredCounter

The Line Trigger Ignored Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyName The full name of ChunkSelector (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertyOffsetX

The X Offset chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

Public propertyOffsetY

The Y Offset chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

Public propertyPartIndex

Part Index

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyPayloadCRC16

The CRC Checksum chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyPixelFormat

The Pixel Format chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dBaseline

Scan 3d Baseline

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dCoordinateOffset

Scan 3d Coordinate Offset

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dCoordinateScale

Scan 3d Coordinate Scale

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dDistanceUnit

Scan 3d Distance Unit

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dFocalLength

Scan 3d Focal Length

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dInvalidDataFlag

Scan 3d Invalid Data Flag

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dInvalidDataValue

Scan 3d Invalid Data Value

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dOutputMode

Scan 3d Output Mode

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dPrincipalPointU

Scan 3d Principal Point U

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyScan3dPrincipalPointV

Scan 3d Principal Point V

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertySequencerSetActive

The Sequencer Set Active chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB

Public propertySequenceSetIndex

The Sequence Set Index chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyShaftEncoderCounter

The Shaft Encoder Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyStride

The Stride chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyTimestamp

The Timestamp chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

Public propertyTriggerinputcounter

The Trigger Input Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyVirtLineStatusAll

This enumeration value selects the virtual line status all chunk for enabling.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyWidth

The Width chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace



Public methodToString The full name of ChunkSelector (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of ChunkSelector

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of ChunkSelector

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum class

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.AutoBrightnessStatus Property#

The Auto Brightness Status chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.BrightPixel Property#

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.ComponentID Property#

Component ID

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.ComponentIDValue Property#

Component ID Value

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Components Property#

Components bitmask

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.CounterValue Property#

The Counter Value chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.DecimationHorizontal Property#

Decimation Horizontal

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.DecimationVertical Property#

Decimation Vertical

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.DynamicRangeMax Property#

The Dynamic Range Max chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.DynamicRangeMin Property#

The Dynamic Range Min chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.ExposureTime Property#

The Exposure Time chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Framecounter Property#

The Frame Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.FrameID Property#

The Frame ID chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.FramesPerTriggerCounter Property#

The Frames Per Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.FrameTriggerCounter Property#

The Frame Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.FrameTriggerIgnoredCounter Property#

The Frame Trigger Ignored Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Gain Property#

The Gain chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.GainAll Property#

The Gain All chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Height Property#

The Height chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Image Property#

The Image chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.InputStatusAtLineTrigger Property#

The Input Status At Line Trigger chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.LineSource Property#

Line Source

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.LineStatusAll Property#

The Line Status All chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.LineTriggerCounter Property#

The Line Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.LineTriggerEndToEndCounter Property#

The Line Trigger End To End Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.LineTriggerIgnoredCounter Property#

The Line Trigger Ignored Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Name Property#

The full name of ChunkSelector

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.OffsetX Property#

The X Offset chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.OffsetY Property#

The Y Offset chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.PartIndex Property#

Part Index

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.PayloadCRC16 Property#

The CRC Checksum chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.PixelFormat Property#

The Pixel Format chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dBaseline Property#

Scan 3d Baseline

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dCoordinateOffset Property#

Scan 3d Coordinate Offset

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dCoordinateScale Property#

Scan 3d Coordinate Scale

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dDistanceUnit Property#

Scan 3d Distance Unit

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dFocalLength Property#

Scan 3d Focal Length

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dInvalidDataFlag Property#

Scan 3d Invalid Data Flag

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dInvalidDataValue Property#

Scan 3d Invalid Data Value

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dOutputMode Property#

Scan 3d Output Mode

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dPrincipalPointU Property#

Scan 3d Principal Point U

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Scan3dPrincipalPointV Property#

Scan 3d Principal Point V

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.SequencerSetActive Property#

The Sequencer Set Active chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.SequenceSetIndex Property#

The Sequence Set Index chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.ShaftEncoderCounter Property#

The Shaft Encoder Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Stride Property#

The Stride chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Timestamp Property#

The Timestamp chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Triggerinputcounter Property#

The Trigger Input Counter chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.VirtLineStatusAll Property#

This enumeration value selects the virtual line status all chunk for enabling.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.ChunkSelectorEnum.Width Property#

The Width chunk can be enabled.

Applies to: GigE and Stereo ace