

通过 Ambiguity Filter 功能,您可以从深度计算中去除模糊性。

如果您在其中一种标准 Operating Mode 下操作 blaze 相机,则启用滤波器后,非模糊区域为 0-30 m。如果禁用了滤波器,则非模糊区域为 0-10 m。

即: AmbiguityFilter parameter is only available when the FastMode parameter is disabled.

With the AmbiguityFilterThreshold parameter you can adjust the strength of the filtering. The higher the value, the more reliably ambiguities are detected. However, if disturbances occur in the scene, e.g., due to multi-path effects or stray light, the filter may remove correct depth values. In this case, the strength of the filter should be reduced.