
使用无线 LAN 中的 Basler GigE 相机#

本主题介绍如何在无线局域网 (WLAN) 中运行 Basler GigE 相机。


Basler 建议在有线网络中使用 GigE 相机。



如果您想在 WLAN 中运行 Basler 相机,可能必须更改相机的网络相关参数。

这是因为 WLAN 的可用带宽可能会受到限制。默认的相机设置可能不足以建立稳定的网络连接。

将相机配置为在 WLAN 中运行:

  1. Install the pylon Software Suite (Windows or Linux).
  2. 确保已按照“硬件安装(GigE 相机)”主题中所述安装和配置相机。
  3. 将计算机连接到 WLAN。
  4. 打开 pylon Viewer
  5. Set the GevSCPSPacketSize parameter (i.e., the packet size) to 1500.
    Tip: Use the search feature in the pylon Viewer to quickly find a parameter setting.
  6. Set the PixelFormat parameter (i.e., the pixel format) to an 8-bit pixel format, e.g., Mono 8.
  7. Set the GevSCPD parameter (i.e., the inter-packet delay) to a high value.
    This decreases the current device throughput (GevSCDCT parameter).
    The minimum inter-packet delay and the maximum current device throughput depend on the quality of the WLAN connection. A higher connection quality will allow a lower inter-packet delay.
  8. 开始连续图像采集。
  9. 如果最终的 WLAN 连接不稳定,请返回步骤 7 并进一步增加包间隔。


建立 WLAN 连接后,您可以优化参数设置,以最有效地利用可用带宽。


  1. 打开 pylon Viewer
  2. 开始连续图像采集。
  3. Check the Statistic-Failed-Buffer-Count and the Statistic-Failed-Packet-Count parameters.
    Tip: Use the search feature in the pylon Viewer to quickly find a parameter setting.
    The failed buffer count indicates the number of incompletely grabbed buffers. The failed packet count indicates the number of packets that have been reported as "failed" by the camera.
  4. Decrease the GevSCPD parameter (i.e., the inter-packet delay) to a value just before the failed packet count or the failed buffer count start increasing.
  5. Make a note of the current value of the DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput parameter.
    This helps you to find the optimum inter-packet delay again when the payload size changes. See note below.



有效负载大小取决于各种因素,例如图像 ROI 的大小和像素格式

If the payload size changes, you must readjust the inter-packet delay until the DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput parameter value is the same as the one noted in step 5.