
pylon USB Configurator 概述#

本主题将概述 pylon USB Configurator 的用户界面。

The pylon USB Configurator is part of the Basler pylon Software Suite. The USB Configurator is available for Windows only. You can open the USB Configurator via the Tools menu by right-clicking a USB camera in the Devices pane.


以下是 USB Configurator 的屏幕截图,显示了用户界面的各种元素:菜单栏、工具栏和包含不同类型信息的各种窗格。

“pylon USB Configurator”窗口

文件菜单。使用文件菜单退出 USB Configurator。


选项菜单。使用选项菜单指定 USB Configurator 总是显示在桌面上其他应用的上层。

帮助(?) 菜单。使用帮助(?) 菜单可以访问 Basler 产品文档、生成故障排除支持信息、提交有关 pylon 软件的一般反馈、联系 Basler 支持,并查看有关 USB Configurator 的一般信息。



图标 功能
“相机列表”图标 Shows only the cameras connected to your computer.
“简单设备树”图标 Shows a simplified device tree that lets you see at a glance which USB devices are connected to which USB controllers. For example, because USB 2.0 devices are displayed in pale colors, you can quickly spot if your USB 3.0 camera has been connected to the wrong controller by mistake.
“详细设备树”图标 Shows a detailed device tree. It provides a complete overview of the USB topology. This view is useful mainly for experienced users.
“刷新”图标 Refreshes the view.


“设备”窗格。“设备”窗格显示 USB 设备树。
