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PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum Class#

Control which components are sent in a MultiPart buffer.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: ComponentEnable, ComponentIDValue, ComponentSelector, DecimationHorizontal, DecimationVertical, Height, HeightMax, PixelFormat, Scan3dFocalLength, Scan3dPrincipalPointU, Scan3dPrincipalPointV, Width, WidthMax

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum class


Public propertyName The full name of BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertySingleComponent

Immediately send one single component per frame/buffer when it becomes available.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertySynchronizedAlternateComponents

Only send a (multi-part) buffer if all enabled components are available. If Out1 is configured for ExposureAlternateActive, then synchronize images with Out1=low with closest disparity image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertySynchronizedComponents

Only send a frame/buffer if all enabled components are available for that time.

Applies to: Stereo ace



Public methodToString The full name of BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum class

PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum.Name Property#

The full name of BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum.SingleComponent Property#

Immediately send one single component per frame/buffer when it becomes available.

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum.SynchronizedAlternateComponents Property#

Only send a (multi-part) buffer if all enabled components are available. If Out1 is configured for ExposureAlternateActive, then synchronize images with Out1=low with closest disparity image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLCamera.BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnum.SynchronizedComponents Property#

Only send a frame/buffer if all enabled components are available for that time.

Applies to: Stereo ace