Operator BoardStatus

Operator Library: Hardware Platform

The operator BoardStatus has no inputs and no outputs. It provides read-only parameters to monitor the current board status during runtime.

This operator is mandatory in every mE5 design and is automatically instantiated by VisualApplets. The operator cannot be deleted.

Available for Hardware Platforms
imaFlex CXP-12 Penta
imaFlex CXP-12 Quad
mE5 marathon VCL
mE5 marathon VCLx
mE5 marathon VCX-QP
mE5 marathon VF2
LightBridge 2 VCL
mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D
mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B
mE5 ironman VD8-PoCL

[Note] Available Parameters

Operator BoardStatus provides a specific set of parameters for every hardware platform.

The parameter descriptions below state for which hardware platforms a specific parameter is available.

I/O Properties

Property Value
Operator Type None (since there are no Inputs or Outputs)

Supported Link Format



Type dynamic read parameter
Range [0; 2^57-1]

The parameter FpgaDNA provides the 57-bit unique FPGA DNA as an integer value.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL, mE5 ironman VD8-PoCL, mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D, and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B

Type dynamic read parameter
Range [0; 2^32-1]

This parameter FpgaDNAHigh provides the 32-bit MSB part of the 96-bit unique FPGA DNA as an integer value.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter
Range [0; 2^64-1]

This parameter provides the 64-bit LSB part of the 96-bit unique FPGA DNA as an integer value.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad and imaFlex CXP-12 Penta: [0; 200];

mE5 marathon, mE5 ironman and LightBridge VCL: [0; 512]

The parameter FpgaTemperature provides the current FPGA temperature in degrees Celsius (°C).

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL, mE5 ironman VD8-PoCL, mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D, and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B

Type dynamic read parameter
Range [0; 5]

The parameter FpgaVccInt provides the current VCC INT voltage of the FPGA in Volt.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL, mE5 ironman VD8-PoCL, mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D, and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B

Type dynamic read parameter
Range [0; 5]

The parameter FpgaVccAux provides the current VCC AUX voltage of the FPGA in Volt.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL, mE5 ironman VD8-PoCL, mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D, and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B

Type dynamic read parameter
Range [0; 5]

The parameter provides the current VCC BRAM voltage of the FPGA in Volt.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL

Type dynamic read parameter

  • GOOD: External power connector is plugged on the board and provides 12 V power.

  • NO_POWER: Board does not detect an external 12-V-power-connector. Either the board is not plugged in or it is depowered.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {YES, NO}

  • YES: Extension GPIO board is detected to be plugged in on the imaFlex CXP-12 Quad / imaFlex CXP-12 Penta board.

  • NO: extension GPIO board is not plugged in and is not detected.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 0
Range {0, 1, 2, 4, 8}

This parameter provides the amount of PCIe lanes actively used by the frame grabber and the host PC system.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 8
Range {2.5, 5, 8}

This parameter provides the PCIe speed in Gigabit per second.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 128
Range imaFlex CXP-12 Quad and imaFlex CXP-12 Penta: {128, 256, 512, 1024}; mE5 marathon, mE5 ironman, and LightBridge VCL: {128, 256, 512}

Size in bytes of the PCIe packets payload used for the data transmission between the framegrabber and the PCIe bridge.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL only

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 128
Range {128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096}

This parameter provides the size of the PCIe packet requests [in bytes] used for the data transmission between the frame grabber and the PCIe bridge.

[Note] Availability

imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, imaFlex CXP-12 Penta

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 100}

The parameter BoardPower measures the board total power consumption in Watt.

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VD8-PoCL, mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D, and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 512}

The parameter CxpChipTemperature measures the temperature near the CXP front-end chips in degrees Celsius (°C).

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B only

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 512}

The parameter RamChipTemperature measures the temperature near the RAM chips in degrees Celsius (°C).

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B only

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 512}

The parameter CxpPowerRegulatorTemperature measures the temperature near the CXP power chips in degrees Celsius (°C).

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B only

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 512}

The parameter PowerRegulatorTemperature measures the temperature near the board power regulator chips in degrees Celsius (°C).

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B only

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 30}

The parameter ChannelCurrent measures the CXP power chip current in Ampere of each channel available on the board. (4 channels are present on all SiSo CXP grabbers.)

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B only

Type dynamic read parameter
Range {0; 30}

The parameter ChannelVoltage measures the CXP power chip voltage in Volt of each channel available on the board. (4 channels are present on all SiSo CXP grabbers.)

[Note] Availability

mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6D and mE5 ironman VQ8-CXP6B only

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 0
Range [0; 4]

The parameter provides the amount of PCIe lanes used by the framegrabber.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 5
Range [2.5; 5]

PCIe speed in Gigabit per second.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL

Type dynamic read parameter
Default YES
Range {YES, NO}

Capability of the framegrabber to support PCIe generation 2 link.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL

Type dynamic read parameter
Default YES
Range {YES, NO}

Capability of the bridge (device connected to the framegrabber through PCIe link) to support PCIe generation 2 link.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL

Type dynamic read parameter
Default OFF
Range {OFF, ON}

Parameter AlternativeBoardDetection informs which board detection algorithm is activated for board detection.

  • OFF: Standard board detection algorithm is activated (default).

  • ON: Alternative board detection algorithm is activated.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL only

Type dynamic read parameter
Default YES
Range {YES, NO}

The parameter indicates the existence of the extension GPIO board connected to GPIO slot connector (labeled as GPIO in the board documentation).

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCX-QP, mE5 marathon VF2, LightBridge 2 VCL only

Type dynamic read parameter
Default Initialize
Range {PoCL_Disabled, Initialize, PoCL_Connection_Sense, PoCL_Wait_for_Connection, PoCL_Camera_Detected, PoCL_Camera_Clock_Detected, CL_Wait_for_Connection, CL_Camera_Detected, CL_Camera_Clock_Detected}

The parameter allows to read the current state of the Power over Camera Link (PoCL) state machine on the Port A connector.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCLx, mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, LightBridge 2 VCL

[Important] Using Power over Camera Link (PoCL)

In applets built with VisualApplets version 3.0.6 or higher, PoCL is disabled per default. Thus, read parameter PoCLStatePortA displays value PoCL_Disabled per default. If the user of the applet wants to use the applet with PoCL support, he/she needs to enable PoCL support via microDiagnostics. This is possible as of Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1 (or higher) (with version 5.10, the product name has been changed from Basler Runtime to Basler Framegrabber SDK).

Thus, if the applet user is going to use PoCL:

  • If the applet user has Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1 or higher installed on his host PC, you may use VisualApplets 3.0.6 or higher to design and build the applet.
  • If the applet user is definitely not going to update the Framegrabber SDK version on his host PC to 5.5.1 or higher, but wants to use PoCL, you need to design the applet with a VisualApplets version 3.0.4 (or prior).

It will not be possible to use applets build with VisualApplets 3.0.6 or higher in PoCL mode together with a Framegrabber SDK version lower than 5.5.1.

PoCL_Disabled: If PoCL is not enabled for the board, this state will be displayed during runtime.

[Tip] Enabling PoCL Support

Starting from Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1, PoCL support is disabled per default for all mE5 marathon and LightBridge CL frame grabbers. To enable PoCL support, hardware users using these frame grabber models need to enable PoCL support in microDiagnostics, menu Tools -> Board Settings: Enable PoCL Detection when using Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1 or higher.

If PoCL has been enabled in microDiagnostics (or the applet has been built with VisualApplets 3.0.4 or prior), the individual states of the Power over Camera Link (PoCL) state machine indicate the following:

Initialize: This state has a duration of 100 ms. During this period, PoCL detection as well as PoCL operation is off. This way, the board establishes a defined initial state with no voltage applied.

PoCL_Connection_Sense: This state has a duration of 600 ms. It follows directly of state Initialize. During this state, the controller finds out if the connected camera is PoCL-capable or not.

  • If a PoCL camera is detected, the PoCL state machine switches to state PoCL_Wait_for_Connection.
  • If a CL camera without PoCL support is detected, the PoCL state machine switches to state CL_Wait_for_Connection.
  • If a disconnect or disturbances are detected, the state machine switches back to state Initialize and starts again.

(The controller applies a test current and waits for 600 ms. Then, the voltage drop is measured. There are two thresholds: Is the measured value between both thresholds, the PoCL state machine switches to state PoCL_Wait_for_Connection. Is the measured value lower than both thresholds, the PoCL state machine switches to state CL_Wait_for_Connection. Is the measured value higher than both thresholds, the connection is either broken or disturbed. In this case, the PoCL state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.)

PoCL_Wait_for_Connection: This state has a duration of 1.8 seconds. It follows directly of state PoCL_Connection_Sense in case a a power-over capable camera is detected. During this time, the controller waits and checks if the information about the availability of a power-over capable camera remains stable:

  • If it is stable, the state machine switches to state PoCL_Camera_Detected and powers the camera.
  • If it is not stable, the state machine switches back to state Initialize and starts again.

To ensure that a PoCL camera was not detected erroneously (due to disturbances), during state PoCL_Wait_for_Connection the controller checks if the measured voltage drop remains stable between the two thresholds values during the 1.8 seconds. If the measured voltage remains stable, a PoCL-capable camera is assumed, the state machine switches to state PoCL_Camera_Detected, and the camera is powered. Rises the measured voltage higher the upper threshold value, or falls it below the lower threshold value, there is a disturbance. The state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.

PoCL_Camera_Detected: This state has a duration of up to 4 seconds. The camera is powered. The controller waits for the camera to get ready and for receiving a clock signal from the camera.

  • If a clock is detected (within maximally 4s), the camera is ready for operation. The state machine switches to state PoCL_Camera_Clock_Detected.
  • If no clock is detected (during maximally 4s), the state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.

PoCL_Camera_Clock_Detected: The camera is ready for operation.

  • As long as the state machine receives the clock signal from the camera, the state machine remains in this state.
  • If there is no clock signal for more than 400 ms, the state machine switches to state Initialize. (It is assumed that either the camera has been disconnected, or an error has occurred.)

CL_Wait_for_Connection: This state has a duration of 100ms. It follows directly of state PoCL_Connection_Sense in case a CL camera without PoCL support is detected. The test current is switched off. The system waits for 100ms to allow the charges to drain slowly. After this timespan, the state machine switches to state CL_Camera_Detected, and ground (GND) is connected.

CL_Camera_Detected: This state has a duration of up to 4 seconds. The connected camera has been identified as not PoCL-capable. The controller waits for the camera to get ready and for receiving a clock signal from the camera.

  • If a clock is detected (within maximally 4s), the camera is ready for operation. The state machine switches to state CL_Camera_Clock_Detected.
  • If during 4s no clock is detected, the camera is not ready for operation. The state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.

CL_Camera_Clock_Detected: The camera is ready for operation.

  • As long as the state machine receives the clock signal from the camera, the state machine remains in this state.
  • If there is no clock signal for more than 1 s, the state machine switches to state Initialize. (It is assumed that either the camera has been disconnected, or an error has occurred.)

If PoCL support is enabled, the PoCL state machine decision flow runs as follows:

[Note] Power Watchdog

Additional security mechanism: The voltage level is permanently monitored.

  • Is the voltage for 2 ms higher than the the lower threshold value while no PoCL voltage is applied: A short circuit is assumed. The state machine switches to state Initialize.
  • Is the voltage for 2 ms lower than the the upper threshold value while PoCL voltage is applied: The occurrence of an error is assumed. The state machine switches to state Initialize.

Type dynamic read parameter
Default Initialize
Range {PoCL_Disabled, Initialize, PoCL_Connection_Sense, PoCL_Wait_for_Connection, PoCL_Camera_Detected, PoCL_Camera_Clock_Detected, CL_Wait_for_Connection, CL_Camera_Detected, CL_Camera_Clock_Detected}

The parameter allows to read the current state of the Power over Camera Link (PoCL) state machine on the Port B connector.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCL, mE5 marathon VCLx, LightBridge 2 VCL

[Important] Using Power over Camera Link (PoCL)

In applets built with VisualApplets version 3.0.6 or higher, PoCL is disabled per default. Thus, read parameter PoCLStatePortB displays value PoCL_Disabled per default. If the user of the applet wants to use the applet with PoCL support, he/she needs to enable PoCL support via microDiagnostics. This is possible as of Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1 (or higher) (with version 5.10, the product name has been changed from Basler Runtime to Basler Framegrabber SDK).

Thus, if the applet user is going to use PoCL:

  • If the applet user has Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1 or higher installed on his host PC, you may use VisualApplets 3.0.6 or higher to design and build the applet.
  • If the applet user is definitely not going to update the Framegrabber SDK version on his host PC to 5.5.1 or higher, but wants to use PoCL, you need to design the applet with a VisualApplets version 3.0.4 (or prior).

It will not be possible to use applets build with VisualApplets 3.0.6 or higher in PoCL mode together with a Framegrabber SDK version lower than 5.5.1.

PoCL_Disabled: If PoCL is not enabled for the board, this state will be displayed during runtime.

[Tip] Enabling PoCL Support

Starting from Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1, PoCL support is disabled per default for all mE5 marathon and LightBridge CL frame grabbers. To enable PoCL support, hardware users using these frame grabber models need to enable PoCL support in microDiagnostics, menu Tools -> Board Settings: Enable PoCL Detection when using Framegrabber SDK version 5.5.1 or higher.

If PoCL has been enabled in microDiagnostics (or the applet has been built with VisualApplets 3.0.4 or prior), the individual states of the Power over Camera Link (PoCL) state machine indicate the following:

Initialize: This state has a duration of 100 ms. During this period, PoCL detection as well as PoCL operation is off. This way, the board establishes a defined initial state with no voltage applied.

PoCL_Connection_Sense: This state has a duration of 600 ms. It follows directly of state Initialize. During this state, the controller finds out if the connected camera is PoCL-capable or not.

  • If a PoCL camera is detected, the PoCL state machine switches to state PoCL_Wait_for_Connection.
  • If a CL camera without PoCL support is detected, the PoCL state machine switches to state CL_Wait_for_Connection.
  • If a disconnect or disturbances are detected, the state machine switches back to state Initialize and starts again.

(The controller applies a test current and waits for 600 ms. Then, the voltage drop is measured. There are two thresholds: Is the measured value between both thresholds, the PoCL state machine switches to state PoCL_Wait_for_Connection. Is the measured value lower than both thresholds, the PoCL state machine switches to state CL_Wait_for_Connection. Is the measured value higher than both thresholds, the connection is either broken or disturbed. In this case, the PoCL state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.)

PoCL_Wait_for_Connection: This state has a duration of 1.8 seconds. It follows directly of state PoCL_Connection_Sense in case a a power-over capable camera is detected. During this time, the controller waits and checks if the information about the availability of a power-over capable camera remains stable:

  • If it is stable, the state machine switches to state PoCL_Camera_Detected and powers the camera.
  • If it is not stable, the state machine switches back to state Initialize and starts again.

To ensure that a PoCL camera was not detected erroneously (due to disturbances), during state PoCL_Wait_for_Connection the controller checks if the measured voltage drop remains stable between the two thresholds values during the 1.8 seconds. If the measured voltage remains stable, a PoCL-capable camera is assumed, the state machine switches to state PoCL_Camera_Detected, and the camera is powered. Rises the measured voltage higher the upper threshold value, or falls it below the lower threshold value, there is a disturbance. The state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.

PoCL_Camera_Detected: This state has a duration of up to 4 seconds. The camera is powered. The controller waits for the camera to get ready and for receiving a clock signal from the camera.

  • If a clock is detected (within maximally 4s), the camera is ready for operation. The state machine switches to state PoCL_Camera_Clock_Detected.
  • If no clock is detected (during maximally 4s), the state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.

PoCL_Camera_Clock_Detected: The camera is ready for operation.

  • As long as the state machine receives the clock signal from the camera, the state machine remains in this state.
  • If there is no clock signal for more than 400 ms, the state machine switches to state Initialize. (It is assumed that either the camera has been disconnected, or an error has occurred.)

CL_Wait_for_Connection: This state has a duration of 100ms. It follows directly of state PoCL_Connection_Sense in case a CL camera without PoCL support is detected. The test current is switched off. The system waits for 100ms to allow the charges to drain slowly. After this timespan, the state machine switches to state CL_Camera_Detected, and ground (GND) is connected.

CL_Camera_Detected: This state has a duration of up to 4 seconds. The connected camera has been identified as not PoCL-capable. The controller waits for the camera to get ready and for receiving a clock signal from the camera.

  • If a clock is detected (within maximally 4s), the camera is ready for operation. The state machine switches to state CL_Camera_Clock_Detected.
  • If during 4s no clock is detected, the camera is not ready for operation. The state machine switches to state Initialize and starts again.

CL_Camera_Clock_Detected: The camera is ready for operation.

  • As long as the state machine receives the clock signal from the camera, the state machine remains in this state.
  • If there is no clock signal for more than 1 s, the state machine switches to state Initialize. (It is assumed that either the camera has been disconnected, or an error has occurred.)

If PoCL support is enabled, the PoCL state machine decision flow runs as follows:

[Note] Power Watchdog

Additional security mechanism: The voltage level is permanently monitored.

  • Is the voltage for 2 ms higher than the the lower threshold value while no PoCL voltage is applied: A short circuit is assumed. The state machine switches to state Initialize.
  • Is the voltage for 2 ms lower than the the upper threshold value while PoCL voltage is applied: The occurrence of an error is assumed. The state machine switches to state Initialize.

Type dynamic read parameter

The parameter represents the current state of the power over CoaXPress state machine on the frame grabber's port[0] connector.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 0
Range [-1000.0 mA; +1000.0 mA]

The parameter measures the currently flowing current on port[0] (in mA).

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 24 V
Range [0.0 V; 30.0 V]

The parameter measures the voltage of the CXP power regulator of port[0] (in V). When the port is not connected, the measured voltage will be 24 V.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter

The parameter represents the current state of the power over CoaXPress state machine on the frame grabber's port[1] connector.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 0
Range [-1000.0 mA; +1000.0 mA]

The parameter measures the currently flowing current on port[1] (in mA).

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 24 V
Range [0.0 V; 30.0 V]

The parameter measures the voltage of the CXP power regulator of port[1] (in V). When the port is not connected, the measured voltage will be 24 V.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter

The parameter represents the current state of the power over CoaXPress state machine on the frame grabber's port[2] connector.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 0
Range [-1000.0 mA; +1000.0 mA]

The parameter measures the currently flowing current on port[2] (in mA).

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 24 V
Range [0.0 V; 30.0 V]

The parameter measures the voltage of the CXP power regulator of port[2] (in V). When the port is not connected, the measured voltage will be 24 V.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter

The parameter represents the current state of the power over CoaXPress state machine on the frame grabber's port[3] connector.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 0
Range [-1000.0 mA; +1000.0 mA]

The parameter measures the currently flowing current on port[3] (in mA).

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Type dynamic read parameter
Default 24 V
Range [0.0 V; 30.0 V]

The parameter measures the voltage of the CXP power regulator of port[3] (in V). When the port is not connected, the measured voltage will be 24V.

[Note] Availability

mE5 marathon VCX-QP

Examples of Use

The use of operator BoardStatus is shown in the following examples: