In the following you can find basic acquisition examples for CoaXPress cameras for the marathon and ironman frame grabbers mE5-MA-VCX-QP and mE5VQ8-CXP6D. In 'CoaXPress Area Scan Cameras' designs for area scan cameras and in 'CoaXPress Line Scan Cameras' designs for line scan cameras are presented.
Basic acquisition for CoaXPress cameras on the marathon mE5-MA-VCX-QP and ironman mE5VQ8-CXP6D platforms is very simple. You have to use either operator CXPSingleCamera, CXPDualCamera or CXPQuadCamera. With "double-mouse-click" on the camera operator you can choose the format type (i.e. Gray, RGB, or also Bayer Raw) and the format mode i.e the corresponding bit depth. Therefore for the CoaXPress cameras no separate camera operators for grayscale and RGB acquisition exist. In the following sections example designs for image acquisition with the three camera types (CXPSingleCamera, CXPDualCamera and CXPQuadCamera) are introduced. Keep in mind to set the correct link format in the output links of the camera operators. Ensure that the maximum image width and the correct image protocol is set. Some operators output their data at a parallelism which is not a multiple of a power of two value. As it is more convenient to work on power of two parallelism, the parallelism can be increase with a PARALLELup operator. The successive ImageBuffer will then cut the correct ROI and remove dummy pixel which might have been added due to parallelism conversions.
Please find the basic acquisition designs "SingleCXP6x1AreaGray8", "", "" (grayscale 8 bit, 10 bit and 12 bit) and "" (color 24 bit) for one single link aggregation camera for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D and mE5-MA-VCX-QP platforms under \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5VQ8-CXP6D\Area and \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5-MA-VCX-QP\Area. The designs for the two platforms are equivalent. The following figure shows the basic design structure of the example designs. The examples for four single link aggregation cameras are the designs "" (grayscale 12 bit) and "" (color 36 bit with 12 bit per component) and are located in the same folder. Please read the shared memory concept for the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform under Appendix. Device Resources. This information is highly relevant when you use multiple DRAM elements in one design.

Figure 248. Basic Acquisition for Grayscale CoaxPress Area Scan Cameras in 6GBit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 1 on the ironman Frame Grabber
Please find the two example designs "" (grayscale 8 bit) and "" (RGB 24 bit, 8 bits per color component) for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D and mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform under \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5VQ8-CXP6D\Area and \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5-MA-VCX-QP\Area. The designs are dual process designs for two CoaXPress cameras with dual link aggregation. Please read also under Appendix. Device Resources information on the shared memory concept for the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform. The following figure shows the basic acquisition design for the design "".

Figure 249. Basic Acquisition for RGB CoaxPress Area Scan Cameras in 6 Gbit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 2 on the ironman Frame Grabber
"" (grayscale 8 bit) and "" (RGB with 12 bits per color component) are example designs for one camera with 4 link aggregation. You can find the designs for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D and mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform under \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5VQ8-CXP6D\Area and \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5-MA-VCX-QP\Area. The designs for the two platforms differ but follow the same principle. In Fig. 250 you can see the basic design structure of the design "" for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D platform. As the memory bandwidth (128 bit RAM data width at 3.2 GB/s) for the 6 Gbit/s with link aggregation 4 is not sufficient with a single buffer, two buffers have to be used in parallel for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D platform. For the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform only one DRAM element is necessary to achieve the required bandwidth of 6Gbit/s per line. Here up to 512 bit RAM data width at a RAM bandwidth of 12.8 GB/s are possible. Please read for more information on the devices resources Appendix. Device Resources. In Fig. 251 you can see the basic design structure of the example "" on the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform.

Figure 250. Basic Acquisition for Grayscale CoaxPress Area Scan Cameras in 6 Gbit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 4 on the ironman Frame Grabber

Figure 251. Basic Acquisition for Grayscale CoaxPress Area Scan Cameras in 6 Gbit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 4 on the marathon Frame Grabber
The examples presented in the following subsections are basic acquisition designs for grayscale line scan CoaXPress cameras. They are equivalent to the designs in section 'CoaXPress Area Scan Cameras'. Just set the camera operator to VALT_LINE1D and add the operator "SplitImage".
Please find the basic acquisition designs "SingleCXP6x1LineGray8", "", "" (grayscale 8 bit, 10 bit and 12 bit) and "" (color 24 bit) for one single link aggregation camera for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D and mE5-MA-VCX-QP platforms under \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5VQ8-CXP6D\Line and \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5-MA-VCX-QP\Line. The designs for the two platforms are equivalent. The following figure shows the basic design structure of the example designs. The examples for four single link aggregation cameras are the designs "" (grayscale 12 bit) and "" (color 36 bit) and are located in the same folder. Please read the shared memory concept for the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform under Appendix. Device Resources. This information is highly relevant when you use multiple DRAM elements in one design.

Figure 252. Basic Acquisition for Grayscale CoaxPress Line Scan Cameras in 6 GBit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 1 on the ironman Frame Grabber
Please find the two example designs "" (grayscale 8 bit) and "" (RGB 24 bit, 8 bits per color component) for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D and mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform under \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5VQ8-CXP6D\Line and \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5-MA-VCX-QP\Line. The designs are dual process designs for two CoaXPress cameras with dual link aggregation. Please read also under Appendix. Device Resources information on the shared memory concept for the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform. Fig. 253 shows the basic acquisition design for the design "".

Figure 253. Basic Acquisition for RGB CoaxPress Line Scan Cameras in 6 Gbit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 2 on the ironman Frame Grabber
"" (grayscale 8 bit) and "" (RGB with 12 bits per color component) are example designs for one camera with 4 link aggregation. You can find the designs for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D and mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform under \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5VQ8-CXP6D\Line and \examples\Acquisition\BasicAcquisition\mE5-MA-VCX-QP\Line. The designs for the two platforms differ but follow the same principle. In Fig. 254 you can see the basic design structure of the design "" for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D platform. As the memory bandwidth (128 bit RAM data width at 3.2 GB/s) for the 6 Gbit/s with link aggregation 4 is not sufficient with a single buffer, two buffers have to be used in parallel for the mE5VQ8-CXP6D platform. For the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform only one DRAM element is necessary to achieve the required bandwidth of 6Gbit/s per line. Here up to 512 bit RAM data width at a RAM bandwidth of 12.8 GB/s are possible. Please read for more information on the devices resources Appendix. Device Resources. In Fig. 255 you can see the basic design structure of the example "" on the mE5-MA-VCX-QP platform.

Figure 254. Basic Acquisition for Grayscale CoaxPress Line Scan Cameras in 6 Gbit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 4 on the ironman Frame Grabber

Figure 255. Basic Acquisition for Grayscale CoaxPress Line Scan Cameras in 6 Gbit/s Mode with Link Aggregation 4 on the ironman Frame Grabber