Operator Library: Logic
The operator NOT inverts the input bits. It performs a bitwise logical inversion. Each output bit is set to a logical "1" if the corresponding input bit is "0", otherwise the output is "0". The number of input links has to be selected at the instantiation of the module.
Thus the output bit i is

The use of operator NOT is shown in the following examples:
'Combine Image Data From Two Camera Sources - Building an Overlay Blend'
Tutorial - From equation to implementation. Explanation on how to implement the overlay blend.
Examples - A high speed and robust laser line detection algorithm. The algorithm determines center of gravity coordinates to obtain sub-pixel resolution results.
Examples - Calculates the differences between two successive images. The differences are thresholded and output via DMA channel.
'Rebuild of Operator TrgPortLine with VisualApplets Signal Processing Operators'
A VisualApplets design example where all functions of operator TrgPortLine are rebuild using other signal processing operators. Allows custom trigger modules.